Shitting on a Watermelon

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Chapter 9 - Shitting on a Watermelon

Today is Monday. I don’t like Mondays. But I hate Wednesdays and Thursdays even more.

A little Hufflepuff first year, girl bounced into mine and Kara’s dorm just as I had woken up.

“Professor Dumbledore needs to speak with you,” she squeaked.

“Blarf,” I said, shooing her out of the room. She screamed and ran off.

Am I really that scary? No, I can’t be. I’m Megan, the god damn coolest kid in the whole world.

Wait, how did a Hufflepuff get into the Slytherin dorms? Eh, whatever.

I sleepily pulled on my uniform and stuff, and then went down to the common room where I found my slave, Draco.

“Slave, give me a piggy back ride to Dumbledore’s office,” I commanded.

“What? No,” he said.

I shook my head in disappointment. “Ah, but Draco m’boy, you must. You are my slave after all.”

He rolled his eyes and I hopped onto his back. I then yelled, “Onward my trusty steed.”

So Draco and I went to the oh so wonderful, Dumbledore’s, office, and I sang, "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz" the whole way.

We arrived to Dumbledore’s office where Dumbledore stood out side of it, by the gargoyle, and then he let me in, cause I’m cool like that.

We both sat down.

“Hello,” I spoke.

He nodded. “Good morning.”

“So what am I here for?” I wondered aloud.

He quickly answered, “As you may know, you have a slightly different scheduled than the rest of your housemates.” He handed me a piece of parchment with some stuff written on it. It was my scheduled if you were wondering.

I had Divination first with as a normal class with actual students in my year, since it requires like no magical ability and I already know the future so it’s easy.

Then there was potions, also as a normal class just I had it with the Gryffindor and Slytherin fifth years; yey! I get to be with Draco!

Next was a private Transfiguration class with McGonagall.

And then lunch.

After lunch was a private charms class with Flitwick.

And then study hall for two periods.

I looked to future days. I had potions EVERY SINGLE DAY. It would switch back and forth between private lessons and normal classes.

“Can I leave now?” I asked. Dumbledore nodded and I left.

Today was, interesting.

Here is a shorter version of what my day was like;

I brought a Magic Eight Ball with me to Divination. So I was asking it questions and telling Trelawney that it was a “Future Telling Machine”.

Potions was boring. We didn’t do anything, just sat in our seats and listened to Snape talk nonsense about how it’s our O.W.L. year. Well, last year was supposed to be my OWL year but you know, I was a normal muggle until about two weeks ago.

McGonagall just went over all the stuff from first year to fifth year in the books just so I knew stuff. I have to say, J.K. Rowling left out A LOT.

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