I Know the Future

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Chapter 3 - I Know the Future

Everyone kind of freaked out when I told them about me being a muggle. I had to tell them that it was all Dumbledore’s idea and I really had no clue what would be going on this year, which was pretty much true. I wasn’t really sure if Dumbledore wanted everyone to know about the little ‘Experiment’ that him and the teachers had going on. So really, the only person that I KNEW that knew was Snape.

After dinner had ended us kids were kicked out so that the order could have their meeting.

“Hey Harry!” I called to him. He spun around one eighty degrees so that he was now facing me.

“Hmm?” he asked.

“Are you constipated?” I asked him. He gave me the most confused face ever.

“Wait? What? No, I am not constipated. What would even make you think that?” he roared like a lion. Or at least that’s what I pictured in my mine. I then laughed. A constipated lion. That would be funny.


Weeks passed, all full of fun. Fred was convinced that George and I liked each other but I just didn’t see it. Today, we would go to Diagon Alley. We actually, I wouldn’t but everyone else would. Dumbledore had contacted Molly telling her to have me stay behind with Sirius and that he would pick up my things and have Ollivander come to Hogwarts so I could get my wand.

So yeah, everyone left about five minutes ago and it’s really uberly quiet in here. I looked over to Sirius and instantly remembered he would die in less than a year. I just had to tell him about the future. He was one of my favorite Harry Potter characters. Now what person would let their favorite character die if they could stop it? Not me! So I went up stairs and into the bathroom where I had hid my Harry Potter collection. I opened the small door, grabbed the bag, closed the door, and headed back down stairs where Sirius sat in a chair.

I slung the bag over my shoulder as I walked down the stairs. When I got down to where Sirius was, I took a seat in a chair diagonal to him and put my bag in my lap. He seemed to be off in his own world so I cleared my throat. It didn’t work.

“Uh, Sirius?” I said which snapped him out of it.

“Hm?” he asked.

“I’ve got something that I need to show you,” I said nodding towards my black and yellow bag. Just thinking that put the song Black and Yellow in my head. I then moved from the chair to the floor as I dumped out all of the bag’s contents; seven books, eight movies, my other laptop, and then some stuff that I got from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal from when I went to Florida a few years back.

“What’s all this?” asked Sirius, moving to the floor.

“Well, lets just say that they’re just a few things that will save you’re and many others lives,” I said, watching Sirius’s eyes look over all of the objects.

I grabbed Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. “This, and six other books, were written by an English author named J.K. Rowling. It’s about the wizarding world. You guy’s life. It’s all true. I suspect that Rowling was, well is, one of you guys, under disguise. But anyways, these books are really famous in the Muggle world. I really have no clue how you guys haven’t found out about them yet. They were turned into movies so like people acting them out so you don’t have to read seven books. But the books are more informational. The movies kinda change it a bit. So, anyways, this book,” I put Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone down and put the Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire next to it so that they were all in a line. “And those three. Are all in the past. There is one book per year that Harry is in school. Now this book,” I held up Order of the Phoenix. “is this year, so the present. You just may want to read it.” I told him.

Sirius nodded and then asked, “So,” he looked down to count to see which book was in Harry’s third year, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is about me?” I laughed.

“Yes, it’s about you, well you’re escape out of Azkaban,” I told him and then continued. “So yeah, with Order of the Phoenix, it’s very important that you read it. Oh and the other two books are about the future. I would recommend reading those too. Also, remember that you’re the only one who knows so I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone,” I finished.

Sirius looked at me shocked. “So the muggles do know about us?” he said.

I shook my head, “No, they think that your world is just a fiction book written for their entertainment. I’m the only muggle that isn’t related to anyone magical that knows about you guys.” Sirius gave me a look over understanding.

“You know, this explains so much about you,” he said. I laughed and then nodded.

“Yeah, and you know what I just realized, that in the books this is supposed to be happening like in the nineties. So you could probably go into the muggle world and everyone would think that you are the guy that plays you in the movie,” I told Sirius who smiled. I stopped to think for a second.

“Hey, could you take me somewhere, just quickly. It won’t take too long and we will be back before anyone else?” I begged hoping for a yes.

“Yeah sure, what harm could it do. You did say that the muggles don’t know that this is taking place now. Where would you like to go?” he asked me excitedly. So I told him the address of a certain friend that I always wanted to go visit. I grabbed Sirius’s arm and I soon felt as if I were being squeezed through a dime sized hole. I was running out of breath! But just as I expected myself to die of being squeezed to death I felt my feet touch the ground, well, my face did to because I fell flat on my face.

We landed in front of, a house. I ran up to the door hoping that she was home. I knocked on it and a dark haired girl that I knew to be a certain wattpad friend called, You_Are_Beautiful, answered the door.

“Tori!” I yelled squeezing her to death in a huge hug. She pushed me off and then realized who I was.

“MEGAN!” she yelled. I then felt a dog rub up against my leg. It jumped me a bit but then I remembered that it was just Sirius.

“How did you get here?” she asked me.

“I can’t tell you,” I told her, smiling. I then remembered that I showed Mrs. Weasley how to make whoopie pies and I put one in a bag and put it in my sweatshirt pocket before I went to talk to Sirius earlier. I handed it to Tori, “That, is a whoopie pie. You can have it,” I told her. She laughed and took it taking a bite.

“That is amazing!” she exclaimed. I bowed.

“Thank you,” I said laughing. Sirius nudged me as if saying ‘Time to go’

“Well I should get going. I was told to hurry up. I will come visit you again sometime later and talk to you on wattpad like, tonight or whatever,” I said as Sirius and I turned around to leave. I took about four steps before Tori yelled, “Hey! I know that dog!”

What, can she only tell who Sirius is by looking at his ass?

A/n the only reason why this chapter was posted today was because of You_Are_Beautiful. READ HER STORIES! So yeah! BYE

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