Chapter Whatever This Is

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Chapter 21 - Chapter Whatever This Is

Megan POV

"Meeegggaaaann! Pweeaaaasssse?" begged Fred.

For the past, however long, Fred had been trying to get me to help him test one of their new products.

I rolled my eyes at the red haired boy, huffing out a deep breath, and asked, "Are you sure that it won't kill me?"

Fred quickly shook his head.

"Fine, only if you will leave me alone," I said.

A large grin stretched across his face and he held out a small vial of some darkly colored potion.

I grabbed it, chugging it down.

The potion was warm as it slid down throat.

There was no effect. "What is it supposed to do?" I asked, confused.

"Go try to climb up that wall," spoke Fred. I looked at him oddly before going over to a wall, putting both hands on it, trying to climb the wall. I failed.

"Doesn't work," I spoke. Fred growled and muttered something about how they had been working on it for over a month now.

"Sorry, maybe it'll work next time," I said with a reassuring smile.


I awoke the next morning with an odd feeling. Something had happened.

I walked upstairs to the Common Room. It was all normal. Well as normal as the Slytherin common room could get.

Alone, I went to the Great Hall.

There was a lack of gingers.


Idiot right here!

Last night was probably the night that Mr. Weasley had gotten attacked.

I bet I could have stopped that.

I'm a bad person.

I need to talk to Dumbledore.

He wasn't down at Breakfast yet so I shall go to his office now!

"Morning," Draco spoke.

"Bye!" I yelled as I exited the Great Hall.

I quickly got into Dumbledore's office.

"Good morning Miss. Payne," he greeted.

"Hi," I said.

"Is there any particular reason that you are here?" he asked. I nodded.

"I-is there any other reason why I'm here other than to learn magic?" I asked.

"I think that you already know the answer to that."

A/n So sorry that this late and short. I've been very busy with school, homework, sports, and stuff like that. So I got like ten minutes to write so I decided to just upload. Eh, next chapter will be up by the very latest, Saturday.

So yeah,



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