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Chapter 35 - IT ME BERFDAY!!!

Megan POV

School had finally come back to normality, well it was just about as normal as a magical school could get.  

I was in the Gryffindor common room with Kara and Mara. We were messing around with our Mooshaki's. And yes, Kara got one of Sugar and Soup's children.

Tori walked in angrily, "Fred's an ass." 

"What's new?" I asked with a smirk.  

She rolled her eyes and plopped down onto her chair, exhaling loudly.  

"What's up?" Mara asked.  

"I don't really know, he's been ignoring me for who knows how long."  

I laughed, "it's probably for some stupid reason."  

Tori thought for a second before commenting, "probably."


"IT ME BERFDAY! IT ME BERFDAY!" I ran around the Slytherin common room yelling.  

An as you could probably tell from what I was yelling, it was most certainly June 24th, the day of my birth. 16 years ago the world got ten times crazier. Just because of me!

I joyfully galloped into the great hall. Looking around, everyone was all mopey.  

Well I'm not gunna be mopey on my birthday.  

So I decided to be different and be happy and gallopy.  

Once I got to the Slytherin table Dumbledore started to speak- since when does he speak at breakfast? Only I can speak at breakfast! 

Anyway, Dumbles said, "a year ago today, yes, a whole year ago, Mr. Cedric Diggory died, and now we have information from the minister to confirm that Mr. Diggory was most certainly murdered by none other than Lord Voldemort. So I recommend taking today to just cherish the memories that you have of Mr. Diggory, good or bad. Happy or sad, just take today to remember that he was a student just like yourselves and keep in mind that this could someday happen to someone closer to you than Mr. Diggory."

Oh wht a joyous speech.  

I got up out of my seat, Draco grabbed my arm telling me to sit back down, but I shook him off and went up there anyway.  

"On the other hand," I said loudly. "Today is me BERFDAY! So party tonight in the Slytherin common room!"  

Dumbledore looked at me sternly. Aww.  

"Uh, hehe, just kidding," I lied timidly.


After breakfast, Dumbledore got back up to the podium and said that all classes today were canceled due to the need to remember Cedric. 

I never knew him in person, just from the books, so I don't really give a shit. So you know what I did? I got some people who also gave no shits or fucks and together we set up for my party tonight. 

This will probably be the first party in Hogwarts history to be in in the Slytherin common room where all houses are invited. 

So the no shit givers helped me with the magic stuff, by making the room about ten times bigger, and making it look less like a common room and more like a party. The no fuck givers made sure that many people knew about the party and they got about fifty house elves to make sure that there were food and drinks. 

Before the party I had a buttload of people approach me and give me gifts and stuff. I feel so loved. But the one person that didn't was Draco. Or at least not yet. 


A lot more people showed than I expected. There weren't many Ravenclaws since their too "good" for our rockin parties, but practically all of the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were there, and about half of the Gryffindors. 

I was wearing VERY light pink jeggings, with a flowered lace tube top, and some silver sparkly flats because, you know, you've always gotta have SOME sparkles. My hair was just put up in a messy bun, but it was a cute messy bun. 

When I walked out of my dorm and into the common room, there were many more people than I thought. 

Party time!

Some Hufflepuff guys, probably a seventh years walked up to me, one was following the other around. 

One spoke, "Hey," he said drunkenly. "Wanna dance?" As he said that, I just noticed that there was loud music blaring out of nowhere. The guy grabbed my hand and tried to twirl me around before trying to grind up against me. 

His friend quickly stepped in and pulled the guy away from me. 

Uh, that was odd. 

I walked around in search of my friends. The first person that I found was Alex. I haven't seen him in forever.

"Hey," I said walking up behind him. 

He spun around quickly. "Hi." 

Since he was standing next to a ginormous bowl of punch, he asked, "Want some?"

I nodded, "Yeah." 

He gave me the punch and we sat down across from  each other. 

We ended up talking for a while, that is, until Draco come over. 

"Who's this?" he sneered.

I smacked his arm, and then remembered that Draco didn't know Alex. 

"This is Alex. My FRIEND. So no need to be so rude." I got up from the chair that I was sitting in. I kind of tumbled off to the side a bit, losing my balance. Draco wrapped his arm around me, catching me while doing so. 

"Oh yeah," said Alex. "the punch was spiked."

"Oh, well that's nice to know." I said. "Bye!" I yelled to him as Draco and I walked off. Draco walked me to Tori, Mara, Kara, and then some other people. 

"Here's your friend," he said before leaving. 

What a nice boyfriend I have.

So yeah, my friends are even nicer because they kept forcing spiked punch down my throat. That lead to a drunk Megan. 

Draco POV

After I left Megan with her friends I took off to find Blaise. It wasn't long before Blaise made me turn around to see my drunken girlfriend climbing up on top of a table, with the help of Tori. Then Megan started to loudly sing what sounded like the National Anthem of America. How I know this, don't ask, because even I don't know. 

I think that I've been spending a little too much time around Megan. 

A/n Okay so I expected this to be longer but I just couldn't think of any more stuff for drunken Megan. Also, as it's nearing the end of the year in Megan's Hogwarts time, you may start thinking, Is this close to the end? The answer is no. This story is probably only half way done, maybe not even.

I wrote this with my dogs head on my keyboard and now he keeps licking my nose. 

So yeah. I can only guarantee one more update. Since the end of the world is Friday and today is Wednesday, well, I will just say that I will update before we are all supposed to die. Haha. 

Oh! Something amazingly awesome! Okay so there is this big snowstorm that is supposed to hit on Friday (suspicious, huh?) well anyway, the storm is named DRACO! AHHHHH! I died when I heard it. 

Okay so today is a snowday so that's why I uploaded :D First snowday of the school year, when we should have already had like 5. lol. So yeah this is getting pretty long.



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