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Chapter 4 - Hogwarts

Sirius and I froze and slowly turned around.

“What do you mean?” I asked her. “This is my dog.”

“Oh, well for a minute there he looked just like Sirius Black in his dog form. But I’m sure that there are hundreds of dogs like that out there. Never mind,” she rambled. I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding in.

I forced a laugh and Tori gave me a rather odd look. “Well I really should be going now, bye!” I yelled, Sirius and I walking off.

“That was so close,” I said once we were a ways away from the house. Sirius laughed, I grabbed his arm, and we apperated back to HQ.

When we got there, luckily, everyone was still gone.

“Well that was fun,” I said with a smile. Sirius chuckled a bit which sounded like a dog just as J.K. Rowling would describe it.

“I haven’t been out of this place in what seems like forever,” Sirius told me.

“Yeah I know,” I responded.

“How do you- oh wait! It must be in those books!” he exclaimed. I laughed a bit and nodded.


A few days later it was time to go to Hogwarts. The people in the order were taking us to Kings Cross because of Harry.

When we did get to Kings Cross, I was walking between Fred and George and we had out arms linked together. I watched Sirius trot by to be by Harry.

“Lucius will know who you are!” I quietly sang to Sirius as he passed. He showed no sign that he heard me.

We soon got to the barrier separating platforms nine and ten. Everyone took turned running through it, when it was my turn, I was so excited that I couldn’t think right. This had always been one of my biggest and most far fetched dreams, like ever. I took a hold of my copper colored trunk which had the initials, MP, on it, and ran towards the barrier at full speed. When I was just inches away from the barrier a thought came to my mind, ‘What if I run into it just like Harry and Ron do in Chamber of Secrets?’ But that thought quickly disappeared out of my mind as soon as I went through that barrier. It kind of tickled.

I looked at the train and froze in astonishment. It was beautiful. Fred and George had to pull me to the train because it would leave in seconds.

After getting on the train, we quickly found an compartment with one, dark skinned, boy, about Fred and George’s year, in it.

“Well who is this?” asked the boy, looking me up and down.

“This is Megan Payne. She’s a sixth year,” Fred took a second to think of the right word. “transfer.”

“Oh well, hello Megan. I’m Lee Jordan, but call me Lee,” the boy told me. I nodded and for a while, we talked about a whole bunch of random stuff.

“Well I’m gunna go change into my uniform now,” I said, getting up, and leaving the compartment, grabbing my uniform on my way.

On my way, I came across none other than Draco Malfoy. The Draco Malfoy. The one that Tori and I ALWAYS talk about. I took a deep breath to stay calm as he approached me.

“Well you must be new because you don’t look familiar at all,” was the first thing he said to me. What? Not even a hello? Well, it is Draco Malfoy. I should be grateful that he’s even talking to me in the first place.

“Uh, yeah, I am. I’m a,” I thought for a second trying to remember what Fred called me. “a transfer.” I mean, what would Draco Malfoy think of me if he knew that I was a muggle?

The Muggle Experiment ~ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now