Wattpad Buddy for a Roomie and Beginning the Havoc

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Chapter 7 - Wattpad Buddy for a Roomie and Beginning of Havoc

When Draco and I walked through the doors to the Great Hall, I saw two red haired twins sitting at the Gryffindor table talking to Tori and Lee. I was mad at them so I just continued walking to the Slytherin table with Draco. Send a quick glare to the Gryffindor table.

If anyone is wondering why I’m mad at some certain Gryffindors, then, well, you have the worst memory, ever. But it’s because I had absolutely no visitors while I was in the hospital wing last night, except for Draco who came just this morning.

I quickly sat down, “Ooo food! I’m starving!”

Draco chuckled at me as he grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. He’s always eating an apple.

I grabbed a few waffles and plopped them down on my plate. I grabbed my fork and went to reach for a knife to cut the waffles with but then realized that I could only use one hand.

“Well this sucks,” I stated. Draco looked over to my situation and laughed. “Dwacoooo, could you pweeeaaasssee help me?”

He chuckled, grabbed my plate, knife, and fork from me, and started to cut my waffles for me. I just sat there smiling.

“There,” Draco said, pushing the plate in front of me.

Still smiling I replied, “I like other people doing stuff for me. You’re gunna be my slave.”

“What? I’m not gunna be your slave.”

“Oh, but yes you are. I will even make it official.” I stood up on my chair and announced, “DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY IS OFFICALLY MY SLAVE!” and sat back down with a smug look. Draco just glared at me.

I looked around for some Maple Syrup. “Slave, where is the Maine Maple Syrup?” I spoke loudly.

“Hogwarts doesn’t have ‘Maine Maple Syrup’,” he said. I was horror struck. How does Hogwarts not have any Maine Maple Syrup?!

“Slave, set up a meeting between Dumbledore and I to discuss this. What day is it?” I asked.

“Saturday, why?” Draco answered.

“My brain wanted to know.” Draco looked annoyed, like he didn’t want to be around me, but as soon as he realized I was looking at him, the look went away. Odd.


George POV

I watched Megan walk into the Great Hall with Malfoy. Oh Merlin, it better just be a coincidence that they are both walking into the Great Hall at the same time, but unfortunately, I’ve got a feeling that tells me otherwise.

“What’s that on Megan’s arm?” Fred asked. I turned my attention away from Megan and Malfoy’s faces and to Megan’s arm.

“A sling. Why is she wearing a sling?” I asked worriedly.

“She must have been in the hospital wing last night. How did we not know this?” Fred’s eyes grew wide in realization. “We didn’t visit her last night. She‘s probably mad at us.”

“But we didn’t know that she was there,” I spoke.

“Girls are just weird,” Fred said, earning him a smack from both Angelina and Victoria. I laughed at him and looked back to Megan and Malfoy who were now sitting next to each other at the Slytherin table. Malfoy then started to cut up her food. I wish that that were me.

Megan then stood up and yelled, “DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY IS OFFICALLY MY SLAVE!” and sat back down. Her and Draco continued talking and I have to admit, I was jealous.

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