Speaking of BBQ Sauce, I Like Mountain Lions

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A/n Hey! So this will probably be closer to the books than the movies cause I'm watching the last movie right now and yeah. 

Chapter 51 - Speaking of BBQ Sauce, I Like Mountain Lions. 

Megan POV

Okay so turns out Harry, Ron and Hermione never really left Alberforth's house. 

So I had to go back and get them. 

"I told  you guys to FOLLOW me. Do you not understand what the term FOLLOW means?" I asked the three of them. 

"We do," spoke Ron. "But unlike you, we're smart enough to understand that if we go out there, it's basically suicide." 

Wow, that was rude. 

So yeah, we got that person, Ariana Dumbledore, to let us into the castle. 

The tunnel is so much longer than in the movie. 


I can't do it! 

"My legs hurt," I complained. 

"Too bad," Harry replied. 

I stuck my tongue out at the back of his head. 

"What a butthole," I muttered. 

We finally reached the end of the cold, dark, damp, dreadful, violently murderous, tunnel. 

But then I realized that it was just a turn. Ugh. 

"Have you guys come to the conclusion of anything while you were gone?" I asked. 

It was silent for a few moments. 

Were they really debating on telling me stuff. 

"Oh come on guys, out of every single person on this planet, am the person to tell." That convinced them. 

"Voldemort has the Elder Wand... we think. You know what that is right?" Harry spoke. 

I raised my eyebrows, "Of course I know what the Elder Wand is, and how did he get it? How does it belong to him now? Won't it still belong to Dumbledore?" I'm turning into Harry. 

"He got it from Dumbledore inwhich was burried with it. We think that he thinks that it belongs to him because his horcrux killed Dumbledore. And then, it probably does, but we're not one hundred percent sure," Hermione explained, saving Harry the breath. 

I nodded in understandment. 

And now we are ACTUALLY at the end of the tunnel.

Also, I have learned that no matter what, Voldemort will find a way to get the Elder Wand, and convince himself that it somehow belongs to him. Wooow. 

We entered the Gryffindor Common room to find... nobody. 


"Eh, we'll just hang out here until good people come," I spoke. 

We waited a good hour or so before a buttload of students entered the common room. 

"Uh, I hate Snape," I heard a male voice say. 

"Shh," another spoke. "Don't speak too loudly or else a teacher or whatever might hear you."

There was a small laugh. 

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