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  • Dedicated to All of my readers!

Chapter 46 - Bracelets 

Megan POV

So the school year ended within days of Dumbledore's death. It seemed that nearly everyone was at least slightly depressed after hearing the news about Dumbledore. 

So I'm going to cover what happened from then until now. 

Okay so depressingness and I was bored out of my wits for the next few days. Then the school year ended, along with my time at Hogwarts. (Draco never came back). 

So we all got onto the Hogwarts Express to go back to Kings Cross, where I found Torie and the twins who were apparently there to pick me up. 

They took me to Shell Cottage where we were all supposed to live now. Hmpf. 

So yeah, it's boring here, but better than Hogwarts. 

Torie and the twins are like never around though because of, you know, that place that they made. 


Soon enough the minister of magic guy came to give Ronald, Harry, Hermione, and myself some Dumbledore will stuff. 

Like normal, Harry got the snitch and was supposed to get the sword. Hermione got the book, and Ronald got the putter outter thingy-mabob. 

Then I got something! Actually there was more than one thing. The first was a bronze key. It had something small ingraved on it but it was far too small to read with the naked eye. The second thing were clues of some sort. What is this? A treasure hunt. Eh, I'll figure it out later. 

Yep, so then Fleur was going on about her wedding so I then tried convincing her to make her wedding smaller because there is still a chance that Death Eaters will crash the wedding. But of course she wouldn't listen. What a butthole. 

So here I am. Getting ready for the wedding. The very LARGE wedding. 

The dress I'm wearing is just to piss Fleur off. 

It's a tight black dress with a skeleton on it. (PHOTO TO SIDE).  Ah it's pretty amazing. 

Ginny's dress is pretty. So is Hermione's. And Torie's. 

I feel out of place. 

But amazing. 

So yeah. The wedding went on and on and on. It was really long. 

Then the wedding party started and it got fun. Or at least for a little bit. 

We were all dancing and having a blast when Fleur pulled me to the side. 

"What are you wearing?!" she exclaimed in a whisper. Hmm... I guess that when a french person whispers their accent just disappears. 

"Uh a dress...? We're supposed to," I explained to her. 

"Of course it's but what is that on it? A skeleton? I can't have someone dressed like you here! You'll ruin the whole thing! I want you out!" she yelled the last part. 

It kind of shocked me at first. But then I just shrugged my shoulders and left the party. 

Hermione saw me walking out. 

"Where are you going?" she asked me. 

"I don't know. I guess I'm gunna find a way back to Shell Cottage. I don't feel so well." 

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