Im A Father!

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Chapter 25 - I'm a Father!

Megan POV

It has been a few days since I had gotten out of my coma and ever since, I've been trapped in the hospital wing.

Tonight I am going to escape.

Madam Pom Pom walked out of her office and spoke, "you are free to leave now." like as soon as I thought that thought.

It was awesome.

I'm awesome.

So I skipped out of the hospital wing, apparently all broken bones that I had are now all healed. Yey me!

I stopped dead in my tracks.

I must find Mara.

So I went to find a Gryffindor called Mara.

"MARA!" I squealed.

She lazily walked out of her room.

"What do you want," she groaned as she walked down into the common room from her dorm.

How did I get into the Gryffindor common room?

I don't even know the password, do I?

I'm confused.

"That tends to happen alot," Mara spoke.

"Okay, okay, okay, Mara, Mara, Mara!" I yelled.

She shook her head at me.

"SOUP AND SUGAR!" I screamed.

Her eyes instantly widdened.

We are bad pet owners.

If you are in need of a random death of a siblings pet, please, let me pet sit it for you.

I would actually sit on it.

I'm a bad person.

So yeah, we ran as fast as we could to the closet that we left our Mooshaki's in.

I swung the door open, revealing a very fat Sugar.

"I think Sugar at Soup," Mara spoke.

And then I face palmed.

Cause, you know, I'm just cool like that.

"NO YOU F TARD! SOUP GOT SUGAR PREGO!" Mara's eyes went wide in realization.

"Uh, yeah! I knew that!" she exclaimed.


"I call being the father!" I exclaimed.

Mara looked at me oddly. "You would be the grandfather. Not the father. Since Sugar is your child," she explained to me.

I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Fine," I spoke, still pouting. "But I want to be the Gruncle. Not the grandfather. Cause Gruncles are cool!" I practically yelled.

Mara rolled her eyes at me before we took our Mooshaki's back to Mara's common room. Cause I don't trust the Slytherins.


A few days later, after one of my private potions classes, I followed Tori to the Gryffindor common room. When we got into the common room we found about 53 mini mooshaki's bouncing around the common room.

Sugar must have one stressed out vagina.

A/n. hi! It took me a while to get this chapter right. Lol.

So this chapter is dedicated to @m1ch3ll3 for her totally awesome comment!

Okay so no questions today but if you would like a dedication on a previous chapter please let me know in the comments. I like to dedicate chapters to people. Hehhe.

Heck, it doesn't even have to be for Muggle Experiment. It could be for one of my other stories, like Together in Azkaban or something. Lol.

So yeah. That's it.



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