Mooshaki: Toe Removing Puppies

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Chapter 15 - Mooshaki: Toe Removing Puppies.


Megan POV

“You again?” spoke Madam Pomfrey as Draco and I walked into the Infirmary. I sat down on my bed. Yes, my bed. That proves how often I’m in here.

Madam Pomfrey quickly cleaned up the wound and put a bandage on it. Just as Draco and I were about to leave to go back to breakfast, she forced me to take a potion. It tasted like shit- not that I know what shit tastes like. I’m just taking a guess.

We walked back into the Great Hall, yet, this time, not as many people were staring. Draco and I just fast walked over to the Slytherin table.

Kara was glaring at the blonde haired bitch. (No, Kara, your not glaring at yourself)

“Who the hell is she?” she growled in disgust as she watched George peck her on the cheek. “I mean, you two haven’t even officially broken up yet and he’s kissing her, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GREAT HALL!” she kind of, sorta, yelled the last part.

Just as I was about to answer her question, Dumbledore stood and announced, “We have gotten a transfer, from America. Her name is Alison Lambert, and is in her sixth year as a Gryffindor. Treat her well and kindly, with lots of respect as today is only her first day at this school.”

“Who the hell is Alison Lambert?” Kara asked, still confused.

“She goes by Ali. She’s a boy friend stealing hoe, a backstabber, and a complete bitch. We went to school together before I transferred. She can get anyone she wants wrapped around her skinny little finger without even chipping that pretty little manicure of hers,” I spoke, trying to burn a hole in the back of Ali’s head the whole time. “She made my life a living hell, well now, I’m gunna do a little switcheroo.”


Later that day I found Tori and explained everything to her.

“That bastard!” she yelled in the middle of the library. Wait, why were we in the library?

Madam Pince told us to be quiet or leave. So we left.

I soon came to a stop.

“What the hell is that,” I spoke.

“Megan, that there is a Hufflepuff,” said Tori.

I shook my head. No, not the Jigglypuff, the thing that the girl next to her is holding!” I exclaimed.

Tori squinted her eyes, “I have no clue.”

“Well who is it. She’s a Gryffindor, I can tell you that. You’re in Gryffindor so tell me!”

“I think her name is like Mary or something.”

“Well I feel the need to figure out what that small animal thing is,” I spoke walking up to the short, chocolate brown haired girl.

“Hello,” I greeted her with a kind smile. “I’m Megan Payne.”

“Hi,” she said holding out her free hand. “I’m Tamara Gray, call me Mara though.” I took her hand.

“So,” I said. “what is that?” I asked motioning to the small, cow patterned, purple winged, puppy.

“This is a Mooshaki. His name is Soup.” Soup spit a mouthful of water at me. How the fuck did it get water?! “He likes you,” she said.

“I’d like to see what he does when he doesn’t like someone,” I murmured, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Oh, he bites your toes off!” Mara exclaimed. I giggled. I kinda want to see that.

Oh my freaking god, I want one of these!

“How did you get it?” I asked.

“Oh well, my cousin Luna Lovegood, was telling me about some creatures that she wanted to find and when she mentioned the Mooshaki’s I was determine to get one. So now I have Soup. I could show you the best way to get one if you would like?” she asked with a smile.

I smirked, “I would love that.”

 READ THIS A/N!!!!!!! Hello! Sorry it's so short! But with only getting 6 hours of sleep last night I'm dying as it is now 3:12 am.

Okay, so WE REACHED 2,000 reads! Ahh! Love you guys! I've also recieved 7OO votes! It would be awesome if you guys helped me reach 800!

*** READ THIS *** Okay so currently this story had a total of 2,081 reads, 122 votes, and 167 comments. I'm gunna make a deal with you guys; If I reach 150 votes and 200 comments by chapter 17 (this is chapter 15) Than I will give you guys a 8+ page chapter. And if I reach it by the time the next chapter is up I will give you guys a 10+ page chapter :D So VOTE AND COMMENT if you want an extra long chapter!







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