Megan's Dead

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Chapter 32 - Megan's Dead

Tori POV

I quickly spun around as I saw Megan’s eyes flash towards something behind me and sprint towards it. 

It all happened so fast; her pushing Sirius out of the way and holding her umbrella out in front of her. I watched as Bellatrix’s curse flew out of her dark, slightly bent wand and travel at an amazing fast speed towards Megan and crashing into her blue and yellow umbrella. Like the umbrella has been doing all night, it reflected the curse back at Bellatrix who quickly ducked and some random Death Eater behind her was hit and instantly fell to the ground, dead. 

I turned my attention back to Megan who was laying on the ground either out cold or dead. 

A crackled came from deep down in Bellatrix throat. Then Harry started chasing her and that’s probably gunna be when Voldemort and Dumbledore duel and all that. 

I guess that some things just have to stay the same. 

Once Harry had left, the few of us still here all gathered around Megan’s body. Lupin felt for her pulse. 

He looked up at the group of us and spoke quickly, “She’s still alive, but we need to get her out of here.”

So that’s what we did, Lupin picked Megan’s limp body up, and we all went to Grimmauld place by apperation. 


For the next week or so everyone seemed to be either depressed or arguing. After about a week it was pretty much confermed that Megan wouldn't make it much longer. Dumbledore had come to tell us that she would be sent to her fathers house for a few days before being sent off to St. Mungo's to die. 

Well he didn't say it exactly like that but we all knew that that was what he meant by it. 

Why did all this have to happen so suddenly? 

At the end of Dumbledore's trip to Grimmauld Place he demanded that Harry, Hermione, Ali, and myself needed to get back to Hogwarts by tomorrow. Yet he told Fred and George that they could go back if they wanted yet it wasn't completely necessary for the to go back since they were of age now. 

I decided to hang out by Megan until I had to go back. When I got into her room George was sobbing loudly next to a very pale Megan.

"You know," I started, jumping him slightly. "you never really broke up with her. She kind of just caught you cheating and that  was it." 

George looked up to me, "It would sound so horrible though, breaking up with a girl that has, at the most, a few days to live." 

I just shrugged my shoulders and walked out of the room as Fred was walking in. 

After I took about ten steps I could hear the two arguing from behind the closed door. 


The next day came way too quickly. 

Before I left I had meant to find Sirius, but ever since the battle he had locked himself in his room.  It's like he believes that Megan's condition is his fault. 

So Dumbledore had appearted us all to Hogwarts right before lunch.  Lets hope that people don't start asking questions. 

??? POV

Once again the Dark Lord called me to be in his presence. At first when I arrived there he seemed pretty calm. It was quite odd. But then he made a lamp explode. Somebody's got anger issues!

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