Manatees of the Northern United States

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-WARNING- This chapter may make completely no sense what so ever.

Chapter 10 - Manatees of the Northern United States


“DRACO MALFOY IS MADLY IN LOVE WITH A CONSTIPAITED LION NAMED HARRY JAMES POTTER!“ I yelled, running down the hall during a free period, while everyone else was in class.

McGonagall stepped out of her classroom.

“Shouldn’t you be in class or something,” she snarled like a bear. Wait, do bears snarl? Or do they just growl?

I shook my head, “I’ve got a free period.”

“Well I believe that we have a one on one lesson next period so just watch the class that I have. I don’t want you to be shouting throughout the corridors again,” she said, looking down at me; cause I’m short.

Halls, not corridors.” Ugh, I hate it when people call halls corridors, even if they are British.

I mean, at my old muggle school the hall passes said Corridor Passes! Wow! It was in Maine in the US! Not some place in Europe!

Anyways, I followed McGonagall into her classroom. Everyone turned to see who the trouble maker was.

“Staring isn’t polite!” I yelled to them.

“I wouldn’t be talking!” Tori yelled back. I looked around. Hey, no fair! This is a class full of cool people! My year is full of boring losers who I don’t know and of the names of except for Kara of course. Wait, isn’t Kara a year older than me? Eh, I’ll have to talk to her about that.

“I wouldn’t be talking about me not talking!”

“You’re insanely messed up in the brain,” Tori said.

I stuck my tongue out at her and held my turtle finger out at her, “Snivellus doesn’t like you!” I paused for a second before continuing. “And neither do the Manatees of the northern United States!”

“There are no Manatees in the Northern United States!”

“Oh psft, in my world there are!” I said.

“You’re wacko.” I grinned at her. Well it was more of a deformed grin but whatever.

“Miss Payne, go sit over there,” she motioned for a corner. “so that I can continue with my class.”

I pouted. “Aww, I have to sit in the corner. I’ve been a naughty girl.” So I sulked over to the corner and sat down on the dirty floor.

After a while I got bored so I started crawling around without McGonagall noticing, and sticking super sticky gum to the bottom of people’s shoes. I then took a pair of random hand cuffs that appeared out of thin air, and secretly handcuffed Tori and Fred together cause I’m cool like that.

“A sickle, that they will be together by the end of the day,” I said to George.

He smiled, “You’re on.”

I really don’t know how McGonagall didn’t realize that I was- I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. And there we go, I jinxed myself. I didn’t even get to finish the thought!

“Back to the corner,” she sternly said, pointing to the corner. I pouted and sluggishly walked over to my corner.

My life is so messed up.

I got really bored so I started rolling around, making weird animal noises. I then heard someone talking. You have a mission Megan. The first thing you must do is capture all of the turtles and bring them to the Turtle Room.

The Turtle Room? Does Hogwarts even have a Turtle Room?

Oh wait, hey! I have a voice in my head that tells me what I need to do! Call me Maximum Ride!



Tori POV

Transfiguration bores me.

It started getting somewhat exciting once Megan entered the classroom, after running down the halls yelling something about Draco being in love with Harry.

Right now, Megan is secretly crawling around since McGonagall told her to go sit in a corner, which I found extremely funny.

Next thing I knew, McGonagall was yelling at Megan again, and then class was soon over.

I went to get up yet my hand, or wrist, seemed to be caught on something. I looked down and saw handcuffs, attaching Fred’s and my own hands’ together.

“Megan,” I growled. Looking over to her, she seemed to be staring off into space. “MEGAN!” I screeched. She snapped out of her though and gave me an innocent smile before sprinting out of the classroom.

I tried running after the short brunette but as soon as I had taken about five steps I was yanked back by Fred’s arm, I guess that’s how I could put it.

“Come on Fred, we have to go murder Megan,” I said. Fred grabbed my hand and I froze, looking at him confused.

“I thought that it would be easier to run this way,” he spoke. I blushed a bit and we ran off to go kill Megan.


Megan POV

I wildly giggled as I ran around Hogwarts. The Black Lake. My voice spoke.

So, I started running to the Black Lake just as Tori and Fred caught up with me with their hands locked in each others’. Well like yeah they were locked with the handcuffs but they were also holding hands.

I laughed, I would so win this bet. As they got closer I started walking out into the lake and by the time that they were at the shore of the water, I was up to just below my boobs.

Taking the key out from my bra is said, “Looking for this?” while raising one eyebrow. The two nodded eagerly and Tori started going into the water to get the key but Fred pulled her back.

“What? You don’t want to be four inches away from me at all time?” Tori shook her head, but I knew that in her head, she thought differently.

“Too bad,“ I smirked as I chucked the key twenty feet out deeper into the water.

Tori and Fred’s mouths fell dropped, okay so this may not have been the best idea ever, but hey! They aren’t magic for nothing!

After a few minutes of just standing there, laughing manically, I felt something snake around my ankle and I screamed as it pulled me under.

A/n Hello! Okay so I wrote this in a very cramped car. I thought that it would be longer but apparently I couldn't keep focused. So here is the chapter. Hope you liked it :D I have six more hours in the car today so I will write more then.



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