Favorite Teachers

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Chapter 19 - Favorite Teachers


Megan POV

I stood frozen for a minute after I had spoken, tryng to process what had just happened.

He just kissed.

Draco Lucius Malfoy just kissed me.

That means that he likes me? Right?

"Yes it does,"

spoke my Maximum Ride voice.

Yey! Draco Malfoy likes me- as more than a friend!

But do I like him?

Of course I do!

So instead of responding with my voice, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

He quickly kissed me back.

Unfortunatly, humans- even the magical kind- need air.

Draco placed his forehead on mine, looking down, into my hazel eyes and spoke, so quietly that eben I could barely hear, "Be my girl?"

I nodded, "Sure," I spoke, just as quiet, right before Draco kissed me again.

Tori then appeared from out of the shadows.

"Yey! You're dating Draco Malfoy!" she yelled as Draco and I quickly pulled appart.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled at her.

She smiled at me, innocently.

"Oh, and you need to learn to facepalm quieter," I told Tori as Draco put his arm around me. She just looked at me confused.

The three of us started walking to the Dungons which held the Slytherin Common room and all of the Slytherin dorms. (Oh and Tori is gunna crash in my dorm tonight.)

"Umbridge is forcing me to join the Inquisitorial Squad," I annouced when we had almost reached the Slytherin common room.

"Why?!" Tori asked, astonished.

"Cause apparently I'm failing her class," I explained. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Well I'm not surprised one but," started Draco. "All you do during her class is either, wave your wand arond blowing things up, or roll around on the floor yelling something about being a magical pegasus who smokes weed."

"I don't do that," I defended myself. Draco raised his eyebrows at me. "Okay, so maybe I do some of that," I said. Draco raised his eyebrows at me, again. "Fine, I do all of that," I gave in, and then quietly added in, "and then some."

I looked over to Tori, "You should join the Inquisistorial Squad with me," I insisited.

She gave me a look that said, "Sorry."

"I'm already in Du-" she cut herself off realizing that Draco was here with us. "that other thing." she finished.

I then bitch slapped her, cause I'm cool like that.

"What was that for?!" she yelled.

"Cause I didn't get a chance to be in the group!" I yelled back.

Snape then walked out from a door.

Awww shiz-nuggets.

"Stop yelled. It is nearly three in the morning. In fact, he three of you are out way past cerfew. I would expect that from a Gryffindor," he looked over to Tori. "But from two Slytherins also? It's a desrespect!" he yelled.

"Oh that's bull shit," I spoke.

Snape glared at me. "Language, Miss. Payne," he scolded me. "Now, Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Morales, detention tomorrow- I mean tonight, my office." And now it's my turn. Snape turned to me, "Miss. Payne, detention every night this week starting tonight, my office.

And with that the grease ball went back into his office.

"I hate Snape. I don't care if he did that thing!" I looked to Tori. "He still acts like it's his time of the month twenty-four/seven." I growled.

"Well he's my favorite teacher," Tori said.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Well you need to tell your favorite teacher to stop acting all PMSy. Oh and be sure to let him know that everyone in the school would appreciate it if he would wash his hair more than once in his life."

This time it was Tori's turn to stick her tongue out at me.

"Well then who is your favorite teacher Megan?" Tori asked, eyebrows raised.

"That's an easy one," I started. "It's Trelawny."

I have no clue how she got a drink, but she spit some liquid out all over the floor. I just stood there smirking.

"How the hell is she your favorite teacher?!" she whisper-yelled.

I giggled and shrugged.

We both than turned to Draco.

"Draco?" I started.

"Who is your favorite teacher?" Tori finished for me.

"Snape," he answered simply.

"Ah! What the fuck is up with you people?!" I growled before storming off to the common room where something sharp went through my right shoulder.

I screamed and then blacked out.

A/n okay so not the longest chapter but this is my second upload today :D

Hope you guys liked it.

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to You_Are_Beautiful cause she correctly guessed who the Mystery POV was. Don't bother asking her who it is cause you wont get an honest answer.



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