Gay Goat Factories

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Chapter 26 - Gay Goat Factories

After we- well Mara, rounded up all of the Mooshaki's, we put them into baskets and set up a big booth, in the middle of the hall going to the Great Hall. Selling them, two galleons each.

By the end of the day we only had one left, so you know what I did? I'll tell ya what I did.

Okay so I got a box, and poked holes in it.

Then, I put the Mooshaki in the box and sealed it shut with something amazing, called tape!

After sealing the box I got some random school owl, and then I told it to go to a certain place. Yet I didn't forget to write a small note saying;

To; Voldemort


Love, Me.

And then I sent it.

I'm so amazing.


Throughout the rest of the week you would see Mooshaki's everywhere.  

There was one girl, about a year younger than me, in like, one of those houses. Either Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or hufflepuff or that other one.

What was I saying?

Oh yeah!

So she was using it to make it bite off Pansy Parkinson's toes.

It made me laugh.


"I WILL SHOVE COOKIES DOWN YOUR PANTS!!!" I yelled at a baby before throwing it off of the astronomy tower.  

I think that it hit someone.

"Why were you just threatening to shove cookies down a baby dolls pants?" Draco asked me.

Oh, did I mention that it was a doll.

Well yeah, it is.

Or was.

I can't remember what words I used to respond to Draco with.

I went down to the Great Hall. Sitting in between the Gryffinwhore and Slythergit tables cause I'm loved in both houses.

"I can't believe the school year is nearly finished!" Exclaimed Hermin.

"Nearly finished?! It's only March!" I exclaimed. Stupid Hermin. Stupid stupid Hermin.

Is it just me or does Hermin sound like a wickedly amazing name for a gay goat?

I'm gunna open a gay goat factory.

Oh and a lesbian goat factory.

They will make cake.

And Bella will steal all of the cake!

Fuck off Bella! God! Learn to have more than one facial expression!

If you go back in time and cut off your right hand with your right hand then how did you cut off your right hand? because you didn't have a right hand to cut off your right hand with, so you then didn't go back in time and cut off your right hand so you then had a right hand in which you used to go back in time and cut off your right hand...



Oh shut up Dave.

Dave is a pineapple.

He lives in my head and has lots of parties which are The cause of my headaches.

A/n HELLO! Okay so sorry for the shortness. I wrote this in five minutes on my phone. Yes, I'm a very fast Typer on my phone. And on my laptop. This is dedicated to @The_Llama_Queen cause she is that girl that owns the Mooshaki that eats Pansy's toes. Mwahahaha.  

So yeah, BED TIME!





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