Umbridge is Gunna Rape Me

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Dedicated to KatnissEverdeen77 because she came up with Georgan (GeorgexMegan) and Dragan (DracoxMegan).


Chapter 12 - Umbridge is Gunna Rape Me

Megan POV

When I woke up, for the second time, I was surrounded by people.

Tori and Fred were arguing about something- they just need to get together already- Kara was eating my candy that was left for me, and George was still in that same spot next to me, with his hand in mine. Oh and then there was that odd boy from my first day here, sitting on a bed across from me. He was the only one who knew that I was awake.

I decided to do some scaring. So I closed my eyes and pretended that I was still asleep.

“I’m leaving,” Kara said, and I heard the sound of her getting up and probably bringing my candy with her.

I was about the scare the crap out of the three of them when Tori spoke up. “You really like her.”

Hmm, maybe I should wait just a bit. I want to see what this leads to.

I thought.

“What would make you think that?” George asked.

“Oh, I don’t think, I know,” Tori responded. “Now, am I correct?” George must have nodded because Tori started yelling, “GEORGE LOVES MEGAN!” repetitively. I blushed a bit but tried to hide it as I was supposed to be asleep. It was quiet for about 0.7 seconds before I got bored and decided to speak up.

“So, you love me?” I asked, sitting up and cocking my head to the left. The three of them jumped about ten feet in the air.

George blushed even redder than his hair and Tori ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. “I thought that you were gunna die!”

I chuckled, “Yeah I did too.”

“Well actually,” stated Fred. “She did die for a few seconds.” My eyes widened in surprise.

“Aww, I didn’t know I died.”

“Well that’s something that you don’t hear everyday,” said the odd boy, before getting up from the hospital bed that he was sitting on, and walking out.


The following night I was let out of the hospital wing with no major injuries, just you know, dying.

“I’m so hungry!” Tori yelled, running past George and I, and pulling Fred along with her, as he was still attached to her with the handcuffs, and then into the Great Hall for dinner.

“I thought that you would be running with her yelling about your hunger also?” George said, once it was just us.

“Nah, I kinda wanted to talk with you, and anyways, Madam Pomfrey told me that I should run for the rest of the day considering the amount of water that I swallowed.”

George looked at me with raised eyebrows. “Since when are you one to follow the rules?” he asked.

“Eh, you’re right. Come on,” I said, grabbing his wrist and running, dragging him behind me.

When we came to a stop George asked, “What was that for?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “No clue, just felt like being rebellious.”

He laughed, “Rebellious?”

I giggled and nodded. “That’s me. Rebellious Megan, the girl who runs when she’s told not to,” I said, grinning. “Uh, where are we,” I asked, looking around.

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