Mooshaki Baby Making

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Chapter 20 - Mooshaki Baby Making


Tori POV

I, laughingly, watched Megan storm off to the Slytherin common room.

"Sometimes- well, all the time- she's just so-" but I was cut off from what I was saying, by a very high pitched scream.

Draco and I exchanged a glance before sprinting off to the Slytherin common room.

There, we found Megan, blacked out on the floor.

Luckily, there was no blood.

It didn't take long for Megan to gain consciousness, and when she did, she was absolutley fine.


Megan POV

I fell asleep on the floor that night, cause I'm cool like that.

Kara and Tori woke me up by kicking me in the side.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up," I spoke, getting up and heading downstairs to my dorm.

On my way I passed Draco.

"Morning," I moaned.

He jumped a bit before replying with a quick, "Mornin'".

Draco and I ended up walking to breakfast together, his arm around me.

After sitting down, Tori, who was sitting at the Gryffindor table, threw a rolled up Daily Prophet at me, which hit me in the head.

After picking it up, I unrolled it and read, "Mass Break Out".

No wonder why Draco had been so jumpy.


"Detention time!" I sang as Draco, Tori, and I walked into Snape's office.

Snape looked annoyed, very annoyed.

"Miss. Morales, you will ne serving your detention with Professor McGonagall," he growled. Tori left. "Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Payne, you two will be cleaning and organizing, alphabetically, all of these potions. I will be back in two hours. No Magic." He took our wands and left.

I looked at the shelf of dusty potions and potions ingredents

"How the hell do these become so dirty so quickly? I mean I just cleaned these two days ago!" I exclaimed, as I started cleaning.

Draco just sat back and watched me.

"You WILL help me," I growled.

He chuckled and got up, and put his hand on the bottom of the botom shelf for a few seconds, and, like magic, the potions and potions ingredents were clean and organized.

"H-how did you-?" I studdered.

"Me being me has it's advantages," he said with a smirk.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Is that also one of the reasons why you knew about the Tri Wiz Tournament before everyone else last year?" I asked.

"Yes- wait, I don't think that I told you that. How did you even know that if I never even told you?"

Aw shiz.

Quick! Think!

"Uh, yeah you did. It was just a-a while ago."

Draco just looked at me oddly as if he didn't believe me.


Sometime during our detention we starting making out, and, of course, that's when Snape decided to walk in.

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