Not So Smart

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Chapter 28 - Not So Smart

It didn't take long for nearly everyone in the school to come to our amazing sugar/caffeine high thing. 

Yet, it soon came to an end and we all tumbled back to our common rooms, or the floor. 


The next morning most of us were hung over because of the sugar and caffiene. Is that even possible?

Well, apparently it is!

I just conversed with myself. 

My first class is Potions with Snape. Oh god. 

I had missed breakfast so I wobbled to the potions room. Most people looked like shit. 

A while into the lesson, Snape had a mood swing and threw something, causing the potions room to explode into flames. 

Not so smart.

We were dismissed early. 

Then, after that, I had Divination. 

Trelawney seemed the same. 

After, I had a free period. 

Which I spent lurking around the halls. 

I snuck into McGonagall's third year class. 

When she turned into her cat form I set Mrs. Norris lose who chased her around Hogwarts.

Not so smart.

Now, you may be wondering how I captured Mrs. Norris, am I correct? 

Well, I stole a buttload of dead ferrets from Hagrid, that he was going to use to feed his new pets, Witherwings, but now he can't cause I stole them. So yeah. 

Fun Fact; Mrs. Norris is from Maine. 

Another Fun Fact; I'm from Maine. 

I have Care of the Magical Creatures today. 

I didn't even know that I took that class. 

Eh, you learn something new every day.

True dat.

So I went to that class, and Hagrid had some Witherwings. 

Another thing I learned today, Witherwings look like a mix between a hippo, giraffe, and eagle. And they're green. 

Everyone rode around on te Witherwings, except for me. I flew a kite that had Suzie on top of it. 


In neverland, Harreh was running around in circles like a chicken with his head cut off because he lost is glasses, until he ran into a tree and Suzie fell off of Megan's kite because he, yes HE, was laughing so hard. 

Suzie ended up falling into the Black Lake and was taken hostage by the Giant Squid. 

Megan and Ronald were sitting in the kitchens drinking hot chocolate with marshmallow spiders, bonding. 

And a small Hufflepuff girl was sitting on a cloud, eating toast. 

A/n here is chapter 28! The ideas for most of it came from m1ch3ll3 who this is dedicated to! Now, I promise that the next chapter will actually be somewhat story-like instead of randomness like it has been the past few chapters.



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