Tori Blood

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Chapter 16 - Tori Blood


Megan POV

Tori and I were walking around following Mara so that we could find some Mooshaki’s.

“How much longer do we have to walk for,” I droned. We had been walking for what seemed like eternity. We had walked up many stair cases, down tons of hall ways, and through many doors.

“It’s right up here,” spoke Mara as she started climbing up a ladder. Tori and I looked at each other before Tori climbed the ladder with me behind her.

Turns out the place to find Mooshaki’s is to go on the roof of tall buildings.

“Where are th- Oh, found them!” Tori exclaimed.

“Shhhhh!” Mara said, putting her finger to her lips and then whispered, “Don’t be too loud or you may annoy them.”

The three of us sat down, somewhat far away from each other, and, you know, just, sat.

After awhile one small Mooshaki with wings too big for it’s body, and ears too long for his head, stumbled over to me and placed himself in my lap.

I turned my head to Mara, who was supervising us, and she gave me an approving smile which I knew meant that I know owned this Mooshaki.

Looking over to Tori I watched an annoyed Mooshaki bite off one of her toes.

I laughed at her as she screamed in pain as she now only had nine toes.

I’m such a bad friend.

She was then being chased by the Mooshaki and fell down a few flights of stairs, and blacked out before we could get to her.

“Where’d the Mooshaki go?” I wondered while holding my Mooshaki, which I haven’t named yet.

“The Nargles probably got to it,” Luna spoke. Since when did she get here? “Nargles are the Mooshaki’s only predator,” she explained in her dreamy voice. If Tori weren’t passed out by out feet I bet that she would be rolling her eyes.

I felt something warm and sticky touch my foot. I looked down and saw a puddle of blood on the floor.

“I think she should go to the hospital wing,” suggested Mara.

I nodded, “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” After putting down my Mooshaki, I picked up Tori’s arms while Mara picked up her legs.

As we started our way to the hospital wing I maybe, kinda sorta, slipped in the puddle of Tori blood, dropping her on her head as I fell. Surprisingly, I didn’t get hurt. Tori may have, but I didn’t.

I could feel my shirt soak up Tori blood and I was one hundred percent sure that it was all in my hair and possibly in my face.

“Well this is… disgusting,” I spoke, getting up and grabbing Tori, yet again. This time, making sure that I wouldn’t fall.

About half way there I noticed that Tori’s head was probably soaking the front of my shirt with her blood also.

This is so disgusting.

“Madam Pomfrey!” I yelled as I pushed the door to the infirmary open with my bloody back.

“Yes, Miss Payne. I will be right there to fix whatever broken bones that you have.” I chuckled.

“You really come here that much?” asked Mara.

“Possibly,” I said with an innocent smile.

Madam Pomfrey walked out. “Oh dear!” she shrieked. “Miss. Payne! You need to sit down! Immediately!” she yelled to me. I lightly chuckled as she thought that it was me who was hurt.

“Uh, Madam Pomfrey-” I started.

“No, no, you must sit down. Your loss of blood may cause you to-”

“I’M NOT HURT! SHE IS!” I yelled, motioning to the still unconscious Tori who I needed help carrying, because I’m weak.

Madam Pomfrey looked around me to see Tori. Her eyes got wide and she ordered us to put her on a bed and to leave.

As we closed the door I grabbed my Mooshaki, who was licking the blood that I got on the door while opening it.

I walked into the Slytherin common room and the only people there were Kara and Draco.

“Oh my god! Why are you all bloody?” exclaimed Kara running up to me. I looked down at myself and sure enough, there was also a huge blood stain on the front of my shirt.

“I’m dead,” I said blankly.

Kara’s eyes widened and she reached out to try to put her hand through me. I slapped her hand away from me, getting blood on her.

‘I’m not dead you bimbo. I just slipped in a puddle of Tori’s blood,” I explained.

Draco then spoke up. “Well that’s… disgusting.”

A/n sorry about the lateness and shortness. I've been wicked busy lately and school is starting up in like 6 days. It just started to kick in that I'm gunna be an 8th grader this year. So yeah. Sorry Tori about you almost dying.

Oh and remember, if  this story reaches 200 comments by the time the next chapter is posted you guys will get a 8+ page long chapter.







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