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Chapter 40 - Seriousness

Draco POV

To my disappointment, Kara hadn't gotten very far which meant that I wasn't given much time to process what had just happened and what I had to do about it. 

When I had got to her, I pushed her off of her broom with a great force, before zooming down to her falling body and catching her on the back of my broom. 

We landed with a loud "thud" on the slightly moist ground. 

 A Death Eater immediately snatched up Kara, and we were lead into the Manor. 


We stood in the "torture room" as I like to call it. Honestly, I'm not even sure what the room really is called.

I watched as Megan and Kara were thrown down into the dungeons, and Aunt Bellatrix shove Mara down to the floor with her wand at Mara's throat. 

"Who brought you here," Aunt Bella growled in her ear, yet she said it just loud enough so that everyone else could hear it. 

 "N-no one," squeaked Mara. 

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Aunt Bella screamed. "CRUCIO!"

Mara withered on the floor in pain, but refusing to open her mouth to let the scream out. 

Aunt Bella lifted the curse and spoke again, "Why. Are. You. Here?"

"I think that you already know," Mara said, breathless. 

"CRUCIO!" Aunt Bella yelled again.

This went on for what seemed like hours. And then it just repeated with Kara. 

And once it had gotten to Megan, it was heart breaking to watch. 

It was the hardest thing in the world to watch the girl that I love being tortured.

It's so hard to just stand here, next to my mother, with my poker face on, watching my psycho aunt put my beloved girlfriend in so much pain. 

Why is she even here? I mean, I know that there is some new student at Hogwarts who supposidly knows about a lot of the future, but what are the chances of it being her? Why would they kidnap her? Out of all of the new students? Why would they choose her at random? 

And, no offence to Megan or anything, but she's a bit clueless... about everything. 

Torie POV

Lately things at Grimmauld Place have been pretty boring. That is, up until earlier today.

~*~One Hour Earlier~*~

I was sitting on my bed on Wattpad writing the newest addition to Havoc at Hogwarts when I heard a scream come from down stairs. 

I cautiously placed my laptop down on my bed and tip toed down stairs. 

When I reached the bottom I caught the end bit of what a hyper little kitten patronus was saying.

"-here. Backup needed."

"What needs backup?" I asked to no one in general. 

Nobody answered. 

Fuck them. 

They all rushed into the kitchen for an emergency meeting and I watched as many patronuses of all kinds were sent out to who knows where. Well that is, until the door was shut in my face. 

I ran upstairs to Fred and Georges' room. 

I forced the locked door open and walked in on Ali and George eating each others faces off. 

*Insert fake gaging here*

"I think that something bad is happening," I said seriously. 

George and Ali broke apart, and Fred snapped his head up from what he had been doing. 

"What do you mean by 'bad'?" Fred asked. 

So I started to explain to the three of them what had just happened. And in no time, the twins had gotten out some new and improved extend able ears and we were sitting at the top of the stairs trying to figure out what was going on within the order meeting. 

Thank god nobody remembers to put a silencing charm on the door anymore. 

"-patronus say?" Mrs. Weasley asked. 

"Megan is being held captive at Malfoy mannor. Kara, the daughter of one of the death eaters, and Mara have gone with Draco Malfoy to help 'capture' Megan to bring her back here."

"Malfoy has set it up," a male voice butted in.

"Anyway, we need as many people as possible going in to help bring Megan back."

George, Fred, and I exchanged a few glances. 

Maybe it really was Megan's father that we found dead in that house. 

A/n HOLY CRAP! It's been over a month since I've uploaded. So sorry! I've been so busy lately. Every single weekend before this weekend has been full of cheering stuff. I also had a cheer comp a few weeks ago which we got 4th at for a stupid reason where we should have gotten 2nd. 

So yeah, sorry about the long wait. So yeah, I only need 40 more votes until I reach 1,000 votes on this story overall. So if you guys were to get me those 40 votes before my next upload there will be a present/reward thingy to do with this story. 

Oh and another thing, since my last upload, the story has gone up over 10,000 reads. LOVE YOU GUYS! cause before I uploaded I had like 24,000 and now I have nearly 35,000. 

Suggestions for the present/reward thingymabob in comments.  So yeah.

Dedicated to @Kara12 cause it's her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARA!



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