Drunk Narwhales Eat Mustaches

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Dedicated to - CrystalSnowflake 

Chapter 38 - Drunk Narwhales Eat Mustaches

Torie POV

I repetitivly bang my head up against the wall.

"What are you doing?" Ginny asked me.

I turned around, "Being bored," I answered. I then turned back around and began banging my head agaisnt the wall again.

It was so boring at the Weasley's. I came thinking that it would mean spending more time with Fred. Yeah... no. I was wrong. Within' the week that I've been here, I've only seen Fred for about an hour. Apparently him and George have an apartment in their jokeshop.

There are really only four of us who are here nearly all of the time. Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, Ron, and myself. And no offence to them, but they're pretty boring.

So far, this is one of the most boring Summer Breaks of all time.



It had been about a week and a half. I was laying on the couch with my laptop in my lap, switching windows between Wattpad.com and Facebook.com.

I heard Mrs. Weasley talking to someone. I slowly took my laptop off of my lap and crept around the corner.

"Fred!' I yelled, giving him a bone crushing hug.

He chuckled, a bit out of breath, and spoke, "We've got something to show you."

Mrs. Weasly looked at Fred oddly, but it was too late for her to ask any questions since Fred and George apperated me to who knows where.

As soon as I felt my feet hit the ground, a blast of cold air hit the three of us, causing us to shiver.

"Holy shit it's cold out," I said. "Where are we?"

"In front of Megans house," George answered in a non-George voice. I kind of think that he still has feelings for her.

"Are you sure that she lives here? It seems kind of empty," I commented.

The twins shrugged their shoulders before heading towards the house.

When George knocked on the door, there was no answer. In fact, we stood there for about fifteen minutes before someone got frusturated and broke the door down with his magical wand.

That sounds wrong.

There was no noise in the house. The only sounds came from us.

That also sounds wrong.

I walked into the living room and screamed.

On the ground, laid a dead man.

Fred and George ran into the room and gasped.

"Is that-?" George said.

I answered, "Yeah, I think so."

The man did, in fact, look a lot like Megan, except for the hair and skin tone.

"But, this probably isn't even Megan's dad. It may be like her uncle. Or even some guy that she doesn't even know," Fred said.

George and I nodded before apparating out of the house.

This time, we aparated in front of Fred and George's joke shop.

I remembered that I'm not supposed to know about this or have seen this before so I pretended to be amazing.

Well, actually, I didn't really need to pretend. The joke shop was amazing!

There were kids of all ages running around and laughing, occasonially, you would hear a scream but a laugh would always follow it.

I wandered around for a while, thinking that Fred and George were a head of me. Yeah, I thought wrong.

I spun around, "Fred? George?"

I wandered around in search of the two handsom devils.

I walked around quite a bit before tripping over something and falling on my face.

It was a foot.

Freds foot.

What a wonderful boyfriend I have.

He then picked me up, putting me over his shoulder, and brought me somewhere that was up some stairs.

Once he dropped me on the ground... on my head, he shoved something into my hands.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

I unfolded it to see a shirt that matched exactly with the Weasley hair.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Your uniform," he said with a smirk.

"So you just expect me to work for you?" I asked him with a pissed of tone snaked in my voice.

He looked at me with those adorable eyes and a innocent smile snuck onto his face.

I rolled my eyes before stripping my crop top off on and replacing it with my uniform. Which, just happened to be an orange t shirt with a picture of Fred and George's heads and at the bottom it said "Weasley Wizard Weezes" and on the back it said, "My Bosses are the Sexiest Men Alive".

Of course I didn't realize the last part until about dinner time.


A/n Hey! So I uploaded. Okay so you NEED to read this.

I am holding a contest since I'm stuck. So this is what the contest will be.

You are to write the next chapter of Muggle Experiment.  

I don't care what goes on as long as nobody gets killed off and the story doesn't end.

I would prefer it to be In either Megan's POV, Dracos POV, or in 3rd person but it's fine if you don't.  

The one I like the best will be posted as the next chapter and the author will get a dedication. The runner up will get a dedication on the chapter after the next chapter and a fan. Oh and the winner will also get a fan. Hehe.

In order to participate in this you must have commented on the story at least once. And yes it does count if you comment on this chapter.

Uh so what else... Oh yeah! In order for it to be easier for me to find the chapters you guys write for the contest, title it "Muggle Experiment ~ Chapter 39 ~ Contest" 

And then dedicate it to me.  

Yes you can name the chapter.  

Oh and the chapter must be over 1 wattpad page.  

You can also make up the chapter questions if you want.  

Okay so I think that that is it. So if you have any questions just ask them in the comments below and I will answer them ASAP.  

Sorry that this is so unorganized.



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