Naps are Nice

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A/n Okay so something that I may or may not have added in before you read the last chapter is that Megan is decided to go gothical. You may want to go back to the last chapter and read it. It will be in like the endish area. 

Chapter 42 - Naps are Nice

Megan POV

 I sat in my usual spot at the Slytherin table. 

People have been giving me odd looks. Probably about my new look. 

I don't think that the Slytherins seem to mind it though. 

Well except for Draco. He kept giving me worried looks. What I do isn't really his business. 

I thought that it was Dumbledore that got up for the beginning of the year speech. So I put my headphones in to block out the speech. 

Yet a squeaky high pitch voice blares over the sound of my music. I take one head phone out and look up.

Why the fuck is the toad back? 

Why isn't Dumbledore here?


I messed everything out. 

"I'm here as your new, permanent, headmistress." 




"I'm now pleased to announce a new student, going into her fifth year, my neice Jillianne

I watched as the girl rolled her eyes in disgust at her aunt, and then the sorting hat was placed on her head. Moments later the hat yelled "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Oh how I bet that pissed toad face off. 

I went back to eating food. 

It was eh. 

~*~3 and a half months later~*~

Hogwarts is so boring now. 

Draco is all like a loner now who keeps to himself. 

I wonder if he still has to do that mission. 

Eh. I don't care right now. 

Something hit me right smack in the middle of the forehead. I looked around to see what it was and who had thrown it, glaring at every single person that my eyes landed on. 

A few minutes later Slughorn, who is now the potions teacher as you should know, announced that class was dismissed. 

"Payne, I need to speak with you," he spoke as I turned to leave. 

Shit. What did I do now. 

I slowly turned around and blankly spoke, "What?" 

"Back in the day I would host a party every once in a while for the students of mine who  I could see getting far in life, as in being well know." Oh god. I know where this is leading to. 

"I think that you know where this is leading to," Slughorn continued. I nodded, wanting to get out of this classroom. "December twentieth, in my office. You may only bring one other guest. You may leave now." 

So I left. 

A thought came to my mind;  Why would Slughorn be here if Dumbledore is no longer Headmaster? 

Another thing popped into my mind; Draco wouldn't be on his mission if Dumbledore is headmaster. 

Where is Dumbledore? 

I'm tired. 

I'm gunna go take a nap. 

So I took a nap. 

It was nice. 

I opened my eyes from my nice nap to see a pair of hot pink eyes hovering above me. 

"Jill, back away," I said grumpily. 

She pouted before going over and sitting in a chair. 

Why are her eyes pink? 

"Bye Jill," I said leaving for my dorm room to brush my hair. 

So after the brushing of my medium length black hair and redoing my makeup, I heading out of my dorm and the common room into the hall where I would be going to dinner. 

A/n Hey! So I just had this chapter as kind of a filler just to talk about the stuff that I did cause I felt like it was needed. So Next chapter will probs skip about a week or so and it should be... interesting. lol. So yeah. Sorry it took so long to upload. But I'm on vacation now for the next week so I should be uploading every onther day, or at least I will try to. But I do have to write a speech and an essay so I guess that we'll see.  

Also, I love the amount of comments that I'm getting per chapter! And I just reached 40,000 reads today and the other day I reached 1,000 votes on this story! Yey!

So yeah, bye!



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