The Muggle Experiment

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Chapter 1 - The Muggle Experiment

School had just gotten over. Me and my bestie, Ashley were walking home (she lives next-door). Our bags hanging from our shoulders and our laptops in their cases which we held. 

The plan was that she would come over for a bit. About half way home I got a text from my dad. It surprised me because I didn't know that he knew how to text. The text read;

Dad - Ashely can't come over. Get home asap.

Me - kk

I put my phone in my pocket. "Sorry, you can't come over," I told her. She shrugged her shoulders. "I wonder what he needs me home for?" I wondered.

"I don't know, probably some stupid reason," I muttered.

When we reached my house I turned and started walking down driveway. "I'll text you later!" I yelled to her as I walked through my house door.

"Megan?!" yelled my dad.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Could you please come in the living room?" he asked.

I walked into the living room and died. There, sitting in front of me, was Albus freaking Dumbledore!

"Meg, could you sit please?" asked dad. I nodded and sat on the couch. 

Dumbledore began speaking, "Your father here tells me that somehow you already know of my world. So that means I won't have much explaining to do. The teachers of Hogwarts and I want to conduct an experiment. An experiment where we bring a muggle to Hogwarts. We want to see if we can train muggles to be magical. Would you like to come to Hogwarts this year?" he asked. I nodded, a big grin plastered onto my face. 

"When do I leave?" I asked eagerly. 

"As soon as possible. Tonight would be the best" said the oh so amazing Dumbledoriean. 

I turned to dad, "Could I PLEASE leave tonight. I promise I will write as much as possible!" I begged. He gave a nod telling me I could. I jumped up and hugged him. "I'll be right back!" I yelled and then running downstairs to my room falling on my face along the way. 

I started shoving things into my trunk. Luckily I don't own much since dad refuses to buy me a lot since he doesn't know how many clothes a girl needs. I wish that mum were still alive. She died when I was three. Dad says it was because of a car crash but I don't really believe him. I finished packing by shoving my hp books and movies into a backpack. I dragged my stuff downstairs and was ready to leave. 

After saying my goodbyes to dad Dumbledore and I left. 

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we walked out of my room.

"Twelve Grimmauld Place," he simply answered. I nodded. "Now grab my arm." I did so and we apperated to the outside of twelve grimmauld place. He waved his wand in a funny way and number 12 magically appeared. For some reason this made me smile. 

We entered and I followed Dumbledore into a kitchen where there was a table full of familiar people who probably had no clue who I was. Dumbles cleared his throat and everyone turned around realizing he was there. I just stood behind him. Dumbles said some stuff about how he would be having someone stay here and stuff. I didn't really pay much attention until he called my name.

"Megan," he said pushing my forward. I tripped and fell onto my face. I heard a pair of two identical laughs. I got up blushing. I then heard two "I call her!"'s at pretty much the same time. I laughed. 

"I fell so special." I said smiling. I looked for the voices to see the amazing Weasley twins.

Dumbledore then left. He just… left. What a bastard. 

There was an awkward silence. GAY BABY! 

"I wish there was enough room in Ginny's room but with Harry, Ron, and Hermione already sharing the room there is no room for more beds." said Mrs. Weasley.

"She can stay in our room!" Yelled the twins. Mrs. Weasley seemed to think about it for awhile before giving in.

"Boys, show her to your room, and DON'T do anything!" she growled the last part.

"What do you mean?" innocently asked the twins.

I chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I mean." she said loudly. 

The twins then got up from their chairs and flashed me to their room. There were now three beds in there. I set my stuff down on the floor. 

"So," started Fred after a long silence.

"Uhh, do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked.

"Yep, down the hall, then take a right and all the way down that hall. The last door on the left." he said. I nodded and got up and left for the bathroom.

When I got back the twins had both gotten into my bag of hp books and movies. Fred had a few of the movies in his hands while George had books two and five in his hands.

"What are these?" they asked in unison.

"Well, those are movies." I said motioning to the movies. "And the others are books." 

"No I mean why do you have books and movies about Harry?" asked Fred. 

Ugg. This is going to take a lot of explaining. 

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