I Thought that that was just in Movies?

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Chapter 24 - I Thought that that was just in Movies?

Megan POV

About an hour or so after giving George and Ali their shit, I pulled Hermione into a small room, making sure that I had my yellow and black bag with me.

"I'm here to give you your Christmas present," I spoke in a low voice.

She laughed at me and sat down in a chair. I sat on the floor, cause I'm cool like that. I dumped my belongings between the two of us.

Hermione looked at me confused. I picked up the first Harry Potter book and started to explain to her, about everything, kinda like I did with Sirius.

After I finished she still looked confused. "Wait, so you mean that someone made l-like our hogwarts lives into seven books?" Hermione asked.

"And eight movies," I piped in.

She nodded, "But, I just don't understand-" I cut her off.

"Just read them, you will understand. Just be sure not to let anyone see them," I spoke.

She nodded quickly, "As soon as we get on the train for Hogwarts I will put a charm on them," she said. I smiled at her and walked out of the room.


Christmas break soon came to an end, and before I knew it, we were boarding the Hogwarts Express to go back to school.

"Break is way too short," I spoke. "Its just not fair."

Fred laughed at me. "How does that make it not fair?" he asked.

I shrugged.

My eyes got wide as I realized that Draco is on the train.

I sprinted out of the compartment of which we had just entered, just, you know, I may have possibly ran into the glass door unknowingly.

I fell back, holding my forehead.

"Oww," I moaned, as I used my awesome ninjas skills to hop up into the air and onto my feet, well, not really.

Once I had gotten back onto my feet I walked out of the compartment, this time actually opening the door.

I sprinted to the back of the train where the Slytherins would always sit, quickly finding Draco.

Oh yeah, and did I mention that I had Suzzie in my boob pocket the whole time?

Well yeah, it's true.


The train ride consisted of Draco and I making out and then me army crawling around the train.

When we finally got off of the train and got into the great hall, I remembered something.


Now I'm excited.

Dumbledore stepped up to his podium and began to speak, "Welcome back students from Christmas break. I have a few announcements that I must announce before you can all eat. The first is that, like you were all told earlier in the year, there is a new house called Payne." I started jumping in my seat.


Dumbledore continued, "So Miss. Payne and I spoke about it," When did we speak about this? Eh, I must have been drunk.

Just kidding! I've never been drunk.

Maybe I was asleep.

Or maybe he's making this up!


"and she will choose one student per house per year to see if they could be in the house of Payne.  

Miss. Payne, choose your battle cards."

I think I'm high.

I galloped, like a horse, up to the podium, and chose my students.

After like forever, only one went into the house of Payne.




I heard arguing. I couldn't make out what it was about.

My eyes slowly opened, but I didn't want them to open!

"SHE'S AWAKE!" someone yelled.

I couldn't make out who it was.

My eyes opened all the way and my vision started to clear.

I was in the hospital wing.

How the firetruck did I get here?!

"What happened?" I spoke quietly, my voice cracking, and my throat hurting like a mother father.

"You've been in a coma for the past two months," madam pom pom spoke.

I looked at her oddly.

Is she on crack or something?

She continued, "On your way into Hogwarts on the day back from the Christmas holidays a piano was dropped off of the top of Hogwarts and it fell on you."

I laughed lightly.

It hurt.

"Doesn't that only happen in movies?" I asked.

"I supposed not as it happened to you," Pom poms said.

My life is fucked up.

A/n HELLO! I'm writing this from my phone! Ah I love it how you can upload from the wattpad app now!  

Okay so sorry about the shortness. Ahaha.  

I apologize for the messed up chapter.  

Okay so dedication goes to the person who gives me the best answer to the following question, 

1) What do you guys think should happen in the next, or any of the upcoming chapters?

This chapter is dedicated to @RandomWeirdChick because of her spot on description of the REAL Ali. Like the person that Ali represents in my life.





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