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Chapter 17 - Sugar

Megan POV

"Can we get revenge noooowwwww?" dragged on Kara, shaking my former sleeping body form.

"No, I'm sleeping," I spoke with my eyes closed.

"But why nooottt!" she whined, opening all of the curtains in the dorm.

I groaned as the light burned my slightly opened eyes, and sandwitched my head between two pillows. I heard a squeek as there was a thump from something falling to the floor.

"Exactly how many pets do you own?" Kara asked me.

My head still sandwitched, I answered, "Uh, I may have a leamur- or was it an owl? And I have Megan Payne Owns This Sexy Beast, speaking of him, where is he? Oh and I have Snivellus," I held out my hand where the mini turtle was still hanging on tight. (And you guys thought that I forgot about him. I bet you did.) I continued with, "I have a cat back home, wait, she may be dead. Eh, whatever. I have my Mooshaki which I've yet to come up with a name for. I also have a Lackerspat named Splat."

"A Lackerspat? What's a Lackerspat?" she asked, confused.

"Oh shit, wrong story. Sorry." Kara looked at me as if I'd gone wack-o, which is so true.

A few minutes later, Kara started bugging me again about her going to beat up George for cheating on me.

"Okay Kara, you know what?" I said, sitting up on my bed. "We can go get revenge on Ali for stealing my boyfriend. We can deal with George later."

Kara jumped up from her bed with a large grin. She then quickly left the room.

I quickly showered and changed into my school uniform. Throwing my hair up into a messy pony tail, grabbing my wand, and calling for my Mooshaki, Sugar. Oh have I mentioned that I named my Mooshaki? Yeah, her name is Sugar. But not cause she's sweet.

"Where is Kara?" I asked as I stepped out into the common room. Draco was sitting there along with some other Slytherins. But Kara wasn't in sight.

"I don't know. She probably went down to breakfast," he spoke, turning to face me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well do you wanna come down to breakfast with me?" I asked. Draco nodded, getting up, and walked out of the common room with me. "I'm gunna stop in and check on Tori before we go to breakfast though," I said. Draco nodded.

When we reached the infirmary Draco asked if I knew anything about the bloodstained door. I just laughed.

Victoria's bed was swarmed by people of whom she was wide awake and talking to some people.

"Eh, she's fine. Okay, I'm hungry, lets go."

So we went to the Great Hall where we ate breakfast. Draco was acting kind of strange and suddenly disappeared leaving me alone.

I'm such a loner.

I have like no friends here.

There's Tori, Fred, George, Kara, Draco, and Mara. And three of them were orignally fictional characters. Am I a fictional character? I wonder if there is someone reading about my story right now. If there is, I feel bad for them.

Why the hell would someone want to read about my life?!

Someone then sat down next to me. I looked to my right to see that odd random person that seems to follow me around.

"Hello," I spoke.

"Hi," he answered. I looked him over. He wasn't that bad looking. He had dirty blonde hair and georgous blue eyes and walk also quite tan. Unlike most of the people around here who are like ghosts. Except for me, cause I'm awesome.  "I'm Alex, Slytherin, seventh year."

"Megan, Slytherin, sixth year," I said with a slight smile.

So we started talking about random stuff that people talk about. And, turns out, he's really cool.

After breakfast got over, Kara and I met up with Sugar.

"So you know what to do right?" I asked Kara as we were about ready to do something kind of evil to Ali.

"No, I have no clue what to do. You haven't told me anything," Kara responded. I lightly chuckled.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that I was winging it. Okay, so, just stand in that corner over there and enjoy the show," I said smoothly with a smirk.

I put Sugar down on the floor, yet before putting her down I whispered that Ali was the enemy.

I watched Sugar chase Ali around for awhile until he bit one of her toes off.

I love Sugar.

A/n hello! This chapter would have been longer but I just wanted to post tonight. Well actually it's 1:40 am. Just you get what I mean. So yeah. Oh and sorry guys, no 8+ page chapter for you guys this time. You were just 2 comments off :( Well it's actually kinda good for me cause I'm too lazy to write a 8+ page chapter. lol.

I will try to upload soon. School starts Wednesday and i will hopefully be getting my school laptop back soon which I an write so much faster on :D








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