Stupid Moving Staircases

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Recap; The dirty, magical hat was placed on my head. It fell over my eyes and started to speak, “Hmm, a muggle huh? I’ve never sorted a muggle before. You must be the girl that Dumbledore had told me about. So lets see, where to put you? You’re not smart enough for Ravenclaw. Not brave at all, so no Gryffindor. You would do very well in Hufflepuff” that made me smile. “But I believe that you would do better somewhere else.” The hat said. I was getting ready for it to yell the only house remaining…


Chapter 5

I just started laughing chaotically, looking over to Fred, George, and the rest of my Gryffindor friends; They all looked completely and utterly shocked. Well, that is, except for Tori, who was laughing along with me.

I then happily skipped, yes skipped, to the Slytherin table, and took a seat next to Draco.

“I knew it,” he spoke.

I looked at the blond confused. “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

“I knew that you would be in Slytherin,” he stated with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled.

“And what made you so certain that I would be in Slytherin,” I questioned.

“ ‘Cause, I know the future.” I momentarily froze. Could he possibly know that I know the future. Is he somehow trying to get me to admit it? No, I mean, everyone says stuff like that. My mind just dropped the thought.

“What was that?” asked Draco. Aw crap, what did I say aloud this time?

“I didn’t say anything,” I said, trying to cover up what I said, if I even did say something to begin with.

“Oh, well I could have sworn that I heard you muttering something,” he remarked.

I then noticed a lady who resembled a pink toad, walk up to the podium and began to speak (A/n sorry, I don’t know what her speech really and I’m too lazy to get my book out so I’m just gunna make some shit up)

She cleared her throat, “I am professor Delores Umbridge,” Draco and I started to crack up which caused Snape to glare at us, telling us to ‘shut up’. I had totally forgotten about Umbridge being in this book! It must have been where I got the name from yet I forgot that it was from Harry Potter, what type of fan am I? And actually, I didn’t really expect Draco to be acting the way he is right now. It’s probably because he only acts this way around his fellow housemates. I felt so professional thinking that!

Umbridge continued her long, boring speech in her totally fake voice. About five seconds into it my stomach loudly growled in starvation.

I hadn’t eaten since breakfast since I missed the Trolley when I was out talking to Draco and meeting Tori in person- for a second time.

I decided to yell, “Shut up already! I’m hungry!” Draco looked at me, astounded that I would yell that to a professor when she could actually hear me, and even worse, on my first day at Hogwarts.

My little, ‘interruption’ earned me two more glared. One from, yet again, Snape, and the other from the toad. I looked over to see that Dumbledore, McGonagall, and most of the other, hungry, bored, and slightly annoyed, teachers were holding back a smile.

After what seemed like forever the toad sat back down in her seat at the professors table, and Dumbledore announced that it was time to eat. Tons of food appeared in front of me. I mean, I knew that there was a lot of food by reading the books and watching the movies, but it seemed like there was so much more when you were one of the students sitting at one of the four tables inside of Hogwarts.

The Muggle Experiment ~ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now