The Easter Bunny is Jesus' Animagus Form

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Chapter 8 - The Easter Bunny is Jesus' Animagus Form

“Onward my trusty turtle!” I yelled as the turtle slowly walked through the entrance of the Great Hall. All heads turned to us. I looked to the Gryffindor table, nearly all of the boys had green and silver hair and looked pissed. The Slytherins looked overjoyed.

“Thank you turtles,” Tori and I said at the same time. As I said it I slapped the turtle, like it could feel it though through that rock hard shell.

“The turtle is still attached to my finger,” I whispered to Tori. She laughed and walked over to the Gryffindor table. I waddled like a penguin to the Slytherin table; cause I’m cool like that.

I took a seat next to my blonde haired friend. I casually held up my hand and smiled like a retard. “I have a turtle on my finger,” I said, and then made an odd, indescribable noise. (A/n It’s so much funnier if you could see me doing it)

“Oh my god it’s so cute! What’s it’s name?!” exclaimed Kara. Oh Kara.

I thought for a second, looked over to Snape, and answered, “Snivellus,” I said with a smirk. This would be fun.

A little later into breakfast I screamed a very high pitched scream. All eyes in the whole hall turned to me, yet I acted as if I had no clue what they were staring at me for.

“Why did you just scream?” Kara asked me with her head slightly tilted to my left.

I looked at her confused. “What are you talking about?” lied.

Five seconds later I heard a similar, high pitched scream, coming from the Gryffindor table, causing all eyes to go from me, to the screamer. I lightly smiled, knowing that the scream came from Tori. I see- or hear- that she has caught on, with what I’m doing.

The two of us continued do that, back and forth, until people just started ignoring us.

There was then a scream from the teachers table. All eyes went up to the teachers table where it came from.

Turns out that it was from Dumbledore. He’s da bomb.

The hall got kind of quite for a few minutes after that, so I, like a ninja, ran to the Gryffindor table; where I took a seat between the Weasley twins, and across from Seamus Finnegan . I brought my breakfast with me- a large bowl of Lucky Charms.

“Hello,” I said with a smile.

“I’ve- I mean we’ve missed you so much!” exclaimed George. “It seems like you’re always hanging around with the Slytherins,” he said with a frown.

I messed up his hair, “Sorry. Oh and red fits you so much better.” I turned to Fred. “You too,” I said, also messing up his hair.

“My hair!” he yelled. I chuckled.

Seamus went to reach across the table. “He’s after me Lucky Charms!” I said in a fake Irish accent, running away from the Gryffindor table, to sit at the Hufflepuff table- cause their cool little badgers- taking my Lucky Charms with me.

I sat between a red haired girl- of whom I think is Hannah Abbot. SHE MARRIES NEVILLE!- and then some other kid who I’m to lazy to even look at. I turned to face her and spoke, “I don’t like you,” with a completely blank look on my face. I then moved to a different spot of the Hufflepuff table, where I sat next to a brunette girl.

“Hi I’m Natalie,” she spoke, the obvious sign of hyperness flowed through each word she spoke.

“Megan,” I said. I leaned over and whispered into her ear, “Did you know that Draco Malfoy has started a ‘Hug a Muggle-born campaign.” Her eyes got wide and she quickly got out of her seat, running over to the Slytherin table, along with many other girls around us. Apparently I’m not a very good whisperer.



Tori and I were, yet again, standing outside of the Great Hall. Dinner had started nearly twenty minutes ago yet we had a very good reason why we were late. While Tori checked to make sure that no body was around, she left to go get a certain present for a certain potion teacher of ours.

I just stood there like an idiot, with a quarter sized turtle hanging onto her finger.

I probably looked lost, yet the doors to the Great Hall were ten feet in front of me.

Minutes later, Tori rolled out a fifteen foot tall bottle of shampoo. And yes, it was on wheels, because it weighed a lot.

“That’s a lot of hair shampoo,” I spoke in amazement.


Tori POV

I left Megan alone- which probably wasn’t a very good idea- so that I could go get a fifteen foot tall bottle of shampoo that we would be giving to our Potions Master.

I rolled it out to just outside of the Great Hall with ease.

And yes, it was on wheels, because it weighed a lot.

“That’s a lot of hair shampoo,” Megan spoke.

“Hair shampoo?” I asked. “isn’t all shampoo for your hair?” sometimes I wonder what goes on in her head.

She shook her head, “No, there’s that stuff that you use to wash the rest of your body with.”

I face-palmed. “No, oh Megan. That’s called soap.” Oh, god. I swear that sometimes it’s like she doesn’t even have a brain.

“Oh,” she said, making an ‘o’ shape with her lips. I laughed and together, the two of us rolled the shampoo into the Great Hall.


Megan POV

As we rolled the present into the Great Hall I could just feel all eyes moving towards us. That seems to happen quite a bit.

As Tori finished rolling the shampoo into the Great Hall, I stepped out from behind it. She stopped and I began to speak.

“Oh, to my dearest Professor Snape. We have gotten you this wonderful present because we are totally awesome!” and with that I ran up to the podium where Dumbledore likes to say random stuff. I then yelled, “Jesus’ animagus form is the Easter Bunny!” bowed, and then ran to my seat next to Draco at the Slytherin table. Cause I’m cool like that.

A/n Hello! New chapter as you can tell. I had fun writing it. I'm also half way done reading the Maximum Ride series. Yeah, cause I'm cool like that.

Did you know that if you chew Mentos gum long enough it tastes like soap?

Anyways, I leave for New York Wednesday but I will probably be able to upload. Well, actually I will be able to upload. So yeah. hope you liked the chapter :D









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