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Chapter 2 - Explanations

There was a dead silence in the room between the twins and myself. In my mind there was a big debate going on about whether I should tell them the truth about how I knew the future.

I quickly grabbed them out of their hands, and picked up my stuff from off the floor, shoving it into a small backpack that I keep my Harry Potter stuff in. “They’re nothing! Just, just,” I racked my brain for an excuse on why I had seven books and eight movies all about Harry and the wizarding world. “You’re dreaming! Yes, that’s it! Now go back to sleep,” I said.

“But I don’t remember-” Fred started.

“-Dreaming! Sleep. NOW!” I yelled to the two twins. They coward back a bit and got into their beds, quickly falling asleep.

When I knew that they wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon I silently, exited the room. “Where to hide these? Where to hide these?” I muttered walking down the hall and near the bathroom. I decided on going into the bathroom so I wouldn’t look like a weirdo walking around someone’s house at midnight.

I slowly opened the bathroom door, turned a light on, and shut the door behind me. After pacing around in the bathroom for quite some time, I came across a small hidden door. I slowly crept up to the door and curiously, opened it.

“Hmm,” I said. “this is perfect!”

It was just the right size. I quickly shoved my bag inside of it, and closed the small door. I then headed back to Fred and George’s room.

On my way, Hermione stuck her head out of a doorway and asked, “What are you doing out this late at night?” I tried not to hyperventilate. Hermione freaking Granger was talking to me! That caused the song Harry Freakin’ Potter by from AVPM to come into my head.

“U-uhh, I had to use the bathroom,” I responded. She nodded and went back into her room. I was just talking to Hermione Granger! THE Hermione Granger!


Fred, George, and I woke up within five minutes of each other.

“What time is it?” I groaned, shielding my eyes from the sunlight coming through the window.

“Nine thirty seven in the morning,” George answered.

“Why did I wake up this early?” I asked myself, yawning.

“We asked ourselves the same thing five minutes ago,” the twins said in unison.

“How do you guys do that?” I asked, sitting up, running my fingers through my hair. I always have really messy hair when I wake up in the morning. My friends back home would always make fun of me when we had sleep over’s.

“Do what?” they asked together.

“That!” I exclaimed.

“We have no clue what you’re talking about.” they said together, yet again.

I face palmed and said, “Just, ugh! Never mind.” A growl came from my stomach.

“YOU NEED FOOD!” They yelled. I rolled my eyes and before I had a chance to get up George picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“Hey! Let me down!” I demanded but he didn’t listen.

“Like the view?” George asked.

I lightly laughed and said, “Oh, yes George. You have a very nice ass.” When I said that I slapped his butt.

“Get a room,” yelled Fred. I glared at him.

“Put her down,” demanded Mrs. Weasley as we entered the Dinning Room. So, out of the kindness of his heart, George dropped me.

“Thank you George,” I said taking a seat. “Ohh! Food!” I started piling food on my plate and so did Fred and George.

When we all finished eating, Fred, George, and I all went back to our room cause adults are boring. I took out my school laptop that I never got to return, and never will, (Thank god dad was gunna buy it off the school anyways) and got on Wattpad.com. I scrolled through my profile with Fred and George looking over my shoulder the whole time. I had gotten four new fans since I had last logged on, and there were a few new votes for a few of my stories. I uploaded my status to ‘I’M IN ENGLAND!’ An IM popped up from the bottom of my screen from You_Are_Beautiful, my totally awesome friend that I’ve never actually met before!

Her; Hey!

Me; Hiya!

Her; What’s up?

Me; Nm just chillin in ENGLAND!


Me; heheh yeah.

Her; Want to know one of my fave lines?

Me; What is it?

Her; "I would like a serving of Fred Weasley with a side of George, smothered in Oliver Wood(; "

Me; ahahaha

I then remembered that I had two red headed wizarding twins behind me that she was just talking about. So in my head I was all like, SHIT!

Me; I’ve gtg. BYE!

I hit enter and made sure that it sent before slamming my laptop shut. I shoved the laptop back in its case. There was a few minutes of silence. Maybe they didn’t read it? I thought.


It was dinner time and we were all at the table eating like you would do at dinner.

Hermione spoke up, “So, you know, I don’t think I know your name.” What she said was pointed towards me but George answered it anyways.

“It’s George Weasley, and right here,” he patted Fred’s head (that rhymes!) “is my twin brother Fred Weasley.”

Both Hermione and I face palmed.

“No, George, she was talking to me,” I told him.

“Oh! I thought that you had lost your memory like Lockhart!” George exclaimed. I giggled a bit.

“My name is Megan Payne,” I said. “And I will be going into my sixth year.”

“Oh, and I take it you will be going to Hogwarts?” she asked. I nodded. “What school did you attend before?”

I laughed a bit before answering, “Well you see, I went to a muggle school cause, I’m kinda a muggle.”

A/n mwahahah! lol. Sorry for not posting this earlier! But better late than never right! Well hope you enjoyed it! This is dedicated to You_Are_Beautiful cause she is in it and she is the reason why this was posted also because she made the cover that I need to put on this. So yeah!

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