I Really Fucked This Up

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Chapter 46 - I Really Fucked This Up

I guess that the fireworks were way more intense than in book five. 

By the time I got out of bed and stuff and looked somewhat presentable there were still two or three fireworks going off throughout the castle. 

I guess that I missed a lot. Or maybe they used a different set of fireworks. Maybe ones more like the ones in the movies than the books? Hmm. 

Well, anyway, at dinner I realized that the toad was gone. 

It was later on announced that Umbridge had officially quit due to the fireworks incident. There were many loud cheers of joy. Most of the teachers were even smiling. Including Snape. 

But then again, that may just be because of what would be happening next. 

Oh and did I mention that some ministry guy was here announcing this. 

"Professor Severus Snape will temporarily be your headmaster until we've decided who will take the permanent spot." 

Then he left. 

I think that the ministry guy is a Death Eater. 


Time Skip


It's now nearly the end of the year. It was about a week into June. To be exact, it was June fifth. If I hadn't fucked things up, Dumbledore would be dying within the next week or so. 

So yeah. Today is Thursday. I don't like Thursdays. 

Draco is still gone. 

And I'm still bored. 

An owl flew into the common room. 

Oh, did I mention that I was sitting in the common room. 

Jill was over there sitting in a chair. 

So the owl gave me a letter. 

I quickly opened it. 

What? I'm bored. I need excitement... fast.  

The paper looked as if something had been spilled on it. It read:

Dear Megan,

I'm sorry that I've been gone for so long. I didn't really expect it. I was ordered back him immediately. 

Sorry that this is so short. 

It was signed DM. 

Now I've read enough Draco Malfoy fan fictions to know that DM was how Draco signed his name. 

Hmm. I wonder why he was ordered home. 


It wasn't long before I got another letter. It was seriously exactly a week later. 

Another Thursday. 


This letter read:


We're over. 


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