Jelly Bean Shit

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"PRESENT TIME!" I yelled, throwing Fred's gift at him.

Chapter 23 - Jelly Bean Shit

Megan POV

Fred looked at me oddly before opening his messily wrapped gift as I suck at gift wrapping and I'm not the best at magic.

I got Fred a pranking book called, "Pranking for Dummies" , which he slapped me for.

And then I ran around yelling, "WOMAN ABUSE!"

And then I got lost.

When I found my way back to the kitchen Tori was there, sitting next to Fred, wearing a Weasley jumper.

"Okay, I'm one hundred percent sure that you weren't here when I left," I spoke.

Tori laughed, "I just got here. I didn't feel like staying at my dad's so I came here!" 

I shrugged my shoulders and then something was shoved in my arms. It was a gift from Arthur and Molly. 

I quickly ripped the gift wrapping off of it and in my hands was a Gryffindor colored Weasley with a big M on it, along with a mini llama on the shoulder. 

Fred and Tori started to die of laughter. Mrs. Weasley just sat there, confused. 

“What’s so funny?” she finally asked. 

Fred spoke up, “Mum, Megan’s in Slytherin.”

Mrs. Weasley’s eyes widened. “B-but you’re a muggle. Not even muggle-borns go into Slytherin-” I cut her off.

“Yeah, actually, they do. They just say that they’re half bloods.”

“Oh, well let me see that. I will need to change it. You wouldn’t want to walk around with Gryffindor house color on, now would you. Molly took my jumper. Luckily I wasn’t wearing it. 

She put her wand to it and the colors quickly changed to green and silver. 

I put it on over the sweatshirt that I was wearing. It looked lumpy. 

Your mom is lumpy. 


I’m amazing. 

Okay, so us awesome kids went to the upstairs and squished into Ginny’s room where we exchanged our gifts. I went first. 

I got Ginny a signed Quaffle from her favorite quidditch team. She like freaked out. So I told her that if she didn’t shut up than I would throw the goddam Quaffle off of the astronomy tower. 

That made her shut up. 

I got Harry a book on anger management and then some weed. 

I’m gunna kill Harry Potter. 

Nah, just kidding. I got him candy. 

And a bra. ‘Cause girls his age should be wearing one. 

But I think that Crookshanks pissed on it cause it smells like cat piss. 

For Ronald, I got a ticket for an unlimited amount of candy from Honeydukes. Yet I think that it already expired.

Shh, don’t tell Ron!

Since Draco isn’t here, I owled him his present, this morning at 12:01, along with a letter. 

The letter said some stuff, and his present was a small glass dragon with emeralds for eyes. Yet I got it enchanted so that we can, somehow, communicate through it. 

I haven’t figured out how to work it yet. 

Oh and I also have one that’s a llama. Cause I’m cool like that. 

Tori was like bouncing in her seat. “What’d you get me! What’d you get me!” she chanted. 

I rolled my eyes at her and handed over a box.

She ripped it open and out fell a fuzzy baby fox. 

“Oh. My. Merlin,” was all she said. 

I laughed at Tori and them looked over to Hermione who looked upset and forgotten. “I will give you your gift later,” I whispered... or yelled. 

Hermione laughed.

I didn’t really pay attention to much more well that is until I got some presents. So, lets see, Fred got me a badge that said “Product Tester” yep, that’s right, I’ve taken on the dangerous job of testing the WWW products. I’ll be dead by my first day back from Christmas break. 

Ginny got me candy, Ron did too. As a matter of fact, so did Harry.


Hermione got me a book, about llamas. And it came with a wind up llama that waddles around!

Tori got be a mini purple sparkly llama! And I was all like, HOLY SHIT! 

And she was all like, Yeah! I know right?!

So yeah.

Draco sent me a llama too. Its purple and it’s name is Suzie! 

It’s so fuzzy!

It fits in my pocket!

I’m going to get one of those shirts with a pocket by your boob and I’m gunna put the llama in the pocket.

The boob pocket.


So later that day I went to go deliver George and Ali’s presents. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking; Why the fuck is this girl giving her enemy and her cheater of an ex a christmas present? Well you will soon understand my llamas.

So I walked to a place in the hallway where I found the two trolls eating face. 

I cleared my throat and the two quickly pulled apart.

“What do you want,” growled Ali. 

I raised my eye brows at her. 

“Well I was gunna give you guy christmas presents, but if you’re just gunna be rude than...”

Ali huffed. “Fine, what would you like, Megan,” she spoke, her teeth gritted.

I handed them each their presents. They were those animals that came with jelly beans and you would lift their tail and they would shit out the jelly beans. Just, with theirs, I replaced the jelly beans with actual shit, disguised as jelly beans.

I then skipped away happily. 

A/n It's not the longest chapter. But it's a chapter. I was ALMOST able to upload last night. But I didn't quite finish. 

So I'm gunna keep up the whole question thing.

1) What did you think of the chapter? TOTALLY COMPLETELY AMAZING? Awesome? Good? So-so? Not my best? Completely and utterly horrible? So horrible that I should just give up writing and jump off of a bridge?

2) What was your favorite part of the chapter?

3) What would do YOU think that Ali would look like? You don't even have to say blonde, just what  YOU think.

So yeah whoever has the best answers will get a dedication.

Oh and last chapters winner was @You_Are_Beautiful :D



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