Chapter 16

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After the two chaotic ones left, we sat in silence for the rest of lunch. It was nice finally having some peace and quiet, plus, Kei snapping was always funny to see. Though, sometimes I wondered if he actually hated them. It's not like there was a good reason he shouldn't like them, Kei just...didn't like people. I didn't try to question him though. That's just the way it is, and there's nothing wrong with that.

The thought lingered in my mind.


Sadly, our forty minutes of relaxation didn't last long, as we headed to practice after changing, only to be met by the entire team. Of course, Daichi was onto us about not being there yesterday. Something about "We need every moment of practice time we get if we wanna make it to nationals"

And, he was right of course, but I didn't have the heart to tell them what had happened, so I apologized. Kei on the other hand, looked like he might lose it any second. I could tell he was mad, because he was the only one who knew what was going on, and desperately wanted to tell them so they'd drop it. I shook my head at him and shrugged, signaling that it was fine. He huffed and pushed his way past the others, me following right behind him.

Hinata jumped up beside me, Kageyama right behind him. I swear one was always clinging to the other...

"What's up Worryguchi? How you doing?" he asked, bubbly as always. Worryguchi huh? Well, I suppose that was true. Although, I'm kinda bummed it was so obvious. I didn't want to stress all the time. Hinata bumped me in the arm snapping me out of my thoughts after I didn't reply. I shook it off and looked at him.

"I just saw you at lunch, Hinata. What could have possibly happened to me in that time frame?" I laughed, and he peered back at Kageyama, walking backward. 

"Lots! Kageyama and I walked around the school to go practice, and we ran into Yachi who went to hang out with us and I saw a raccoon outside, and Yachi freaked out and Kageyama threw his milk at it!" he shouted, while Kageyama glared at him before looking off to the side, trying to hold back a smile. That was always a rare sight to see. I chuckled at Hinata's ability to have energy almost all day. First, he was bouncy during this morning, and then at lunch, and now for practice. How did he do it? I'd love to have that kind of mentality. 

We went inside to get set up, me grabbing water bottles, while Kageyama and Hinata argued about who would put the volleyball net up. Tanaka and Noya joined in with them, them all fighting about what pieces go where. I'm watching along the sidelines when Suga walks over to me, the shorter boy setting his arm on my shoulder before looking around. 

"Wheres Tsukishima? I thought I saw him earlier," he said, and it struck me that I hadn't seen him either. I didn't even notice that he had left, he was so quiet about it. 

"Oh...Kei's probably off somewhere. Not very social you know?" I said giving him a warm smile. He looked at me with a cheeky smile, nudging my arm.

"Kei huh? Hm. Well, you know him better than all of us, so if you would could you go find him?" I nodded and headed out of the gym, looking on either side for him, only to find an empty yard. I peeked around the other side, noticing his blond locks. He was sitting by the wall with his headphones on, knees tucked up by his chest. I frowned at the sight. Was he upset?

"Hey, Kei. You okay?" I tapped on his head, crouching down next to him and leaning my chin on his arm that was propped up on his knee. He turned to me, our faces only inches apart. I smiled at him in hopes to cheer him up, but he didn't share the same enthusiasm, looking back in front of him.

"Yeah, I'm okay Tadashi. Let's go," he said, standing up with a sigh. I stood up with him, sticking right behind him. I wish I could know what he was thinking. His constant bland expression hiding his emotions made it hard to distingush what he actually wanted and needed. And, I didn't expect him to tell me outwardly, as Kei constantly fought his inner battles by himself. He probably relied on his own mentality to take care of himself. In fact, I don't think hes ever told me when he needed mental help. But, did I ever give him a chance? He's always worried about me...that I never get the chance to properly help him. How did he ever put up with me? 

I made a mental note to ask him deeper about whats wrong near the end of the day, or at least whenever we had alone time.

The rest of practice resulted in almost completely silent interactions between us. Most we said anything to each other was whenever I'd give him something or I needed something from him. 

No conversations.

No comments.

I could feel my stomach swriling with worry. Was he upset with me? If so, I should apologize, but as I recalled every moment from this morning to now, I couldn't figure out what it was that would make him ignore me. Or maybe he wasn't upset at me, and this was how he always was. Was I just overthinking because we're dating now?

I wasn't sure. This happens at school all the time. 

As my anxiety kicks in the second I step in, I already feel the walls I take so long to build up come crumling down again. If I could just stop thinking. I shook my head, fumbling around the thoughts destroying my concentration. Now was not the time.


dont worry dude same


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