Chapter 20

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motivation? what's that?


also if you'd like to skip this chapter you may, you won't be missing anything crucial


I couldn't have been sure how long I was staring at him, but I snapped out of my daze when he groaned and adjusted on the bed, just barely opening his eyes to see me. I matched his tired expression with a weak smile as he lifted the blanket for me, moving over so I could lay next to him. As I rested my head on the pillow and wrapped my legs in his, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, immediately encasing me in his warmth. I held back the tears building up in my eyes, just his touch creating a whirlpool of emotions in me.

"I missed you," I whispered, burying my head in his chest.

"It wasn't even a day Tadashi." He lifted a hand up to my head, running his gentle fingers through my hair. I was aware that I was clingy, but my mental stability depended on him. Maybe that was unhealthy, but it was the truth. I decided not to reply, knowing there wasn't much to say. He was right, I had just seen him that night, and here I am again with him.

It's not like I had a choice though. This option was a million times better than the other.

We laid there in his bed intertwined together, every few minutes or so I readjusted my grip on him, making sure I was as close as possible. I couldn't keep my eyes open, but I let my mind stay active, focusing on every movement his fingers made on me. He rubbed them through all of my hair, starting from the base of my neck all the way up, repeating the same thing over and over again. It was almost hypnotizing, how my hair fell in between his fingers so easily, never once getting tangled in them. Our breathing was in sync, and although I wasn't aware of it earlier, my breathing was slightly shaky. I just was praying Kei wouldn't notice.

It felt like this day was going to last forever, but, if I get to spend the rest of today in his arms, I'm not complaining one bit.

Eventually, I let my thoughts drift away, sending me into a deep sleep. Whenever I woke back up, I hoped I wasn't sleeping all day long. I quickly became aware of my surroundings, realizing Kei wasn't there anymore. Was I so tired I didn't even wake up to him leaving? I laid there and waited for him to come back, tucking the blanket up to my face. I got bored of staring at the wall, so I turned over to look at his room, watching the sunlight shine across the floor. There were some rays shining through the window next to the bed, and I reached my hand out to feel it, taking in the small amount of heat it radiated.

After dropping it back down with a thump on the side of the bed, Kei walked back in with a towel over his head. He looked shocked when he saw me awake but quickly returned to normal.

"Afternoon Tadashi, I was taking a shower," he said, making his way to his dresser to find some clothes.

"It's okay." I watched as he rummaged through the drawers before finding a shirt and slipping it on, and then moving over to the edge of the bed. I moved backward so he could sit down, and he bent down, taking the towel in his hair and ruffling it around to dry it. When he was done he threw it down on the floor, looking back at me with his messy hair. I snorted at how it was sticking up in all directions and he patted it down, narrowing his eyes at me jokingly.

Out of the blue, he tugs the blanket off of me, grabbing me by the waist and lifting me up to his lap. I let out a small squeak whenever he grabbed me, but once I was on his lap, I wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms were tucked in by my chest, almost clutching the heart that was racing inside me.

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