Chapter 45

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"You wanna watch something," Kei asked, consistently clicking through channels of the shabby hospital tv lazily placed on the wall, just enough so I could catch a glimpse of what they were.

After scrolling for what felt like an eternity, I placed my head in my hands and sighed, closing my eyes.

"No it's fine, don't worry about it," I groaned, uninterested. The only thing that was on my mind was the fact I was getting out of here tomorrow, meaning my nerves were severely acting up. Kei tried to distract me the best he could, but all it resulted in was my endless panic in the back of my mind making me space out.

Kei sat on the end of the bed with a hum, staring at the wall so hard I could almost feel the wheels turning in his head. I smiled at the fact he was trying so hard.

Silence crept in the room, only making the both of us more uneasy, until a quite shouting came from the hall. We both directed our attention to the door, my eyebrows raised.

"Is that a child?"

Kei shrugged, but after a couple seconds I couldn't control the smile fixing it's way into my features.

"Yep, a child," I chucked, although I knew it wasn't any child.

"yaaammaaGUUUCCCCCHHHHIIIIIIII!" A cheerful ginger yelled, his shouting only getting louder as he progressed through the hallways.

I chucked as he ran through the door, arms spread out on either side like he was a baby bird, or crow, if I wanted to be funny. He still looked the same as ever, a hint of enthusiasm sparkled through his orange-brown eyes, cheeks flushed from running and smiling so much. Just his sight alone was enough to bring up my spirits.

"Hey, Hinata," I greeted him, slightly taken aback whenever Kageyama also walked through the door. He had his hands tucked in his pockets but something was different, he looked...enthusiastic, or at least he was trying to, "and Kageyama."

Kei looked annoying but something mischievous was hinted through his expression, almost like he was expecting this.

"Yamaguchi! Yamaguchi! So good to see you again," Hinata giggled, bouncing on the end of the bed, "it's been so looonnnggg."

I patted his head, hoping to stabilize his movements, his vibrating under my hands making laugh but almost queasy.

He backed away quickly before his rambling started.

"Dude, you should have told me about everything! I got word of it from someone about your dad...I don't remember who but that's not the point! You should have let me deal with him, I would have beaten him up for you," he boasted, swinging his arms around in punching motions, kicking around the room like. Kageyama only groaned and rolled his eyes, while Kei smirked.

"I have more power in my pinky finger than you do in your entire body, shrimpy."

Hinata turned to us, hands on his hips.

"Rude, Stingyshima. Just so you know, I've been working out. I've gotten stronger."

"Yoy should be working out your brain. How are those grades coming along?" Kei smirked mockingly.

Hinata played with his fingers, avoiding eye contact with everyone.


"Bad, they're doing bad," Kageyama finally spoke up, making Hinata glare at him.

"You can't say anything Bakayama! Hmph!" He turned away from the rest of us, crossing his arms. Kageyama took his hands from his pockets, sitting down in a chair exhaustingly.

The fact that Hinata knew about my dad made something stir in my stomach yet at the same time the fact he was so...supportive about it instead of shunning me from just disgust alone made my heart clutch, the fact everyone, all of my friends would have been there for me disappointed in myself. I could have just gotten help so much sooner, yet I remained silent due to doubt.

I smiled at the sight in front of me, Hinata's and Kageyama's rivalry still very much evident, yet we all shared some kind of mutual trust and understanding, an unbreakable bond was formed between us no amount of bickering could break.

The rest of that day was shrouded in endearing conversations, many thank yous were exchanged and I don't think I've ever felt more close to my teammates, no my friends than I ever have before. Kageyama, despite being someone who hid his feelings most of the time, a rough exterior always coating his true emotions, let a little more of his soft side leak through. Maybe it was pity, but I truly felt like I could sense his empathy.

Hinata only added more light in the dark situation, making any sad topic turn into one of laughter, lighting up any room like a spark of sunshine plucked from the sky, placed in the boy of a vertically-lacking boy with a strong will. There will never be enough words to describe how much I admired Hinata, but I will always appreciate the affect he has on me.

As the sun set and nightfall neared, the two of them said their goodbyes, last hugs and compliments followed them out the door.

Kei leaned back on the bed with a groan, ribbing his fingers through his hair.

"God, that was more tiring than I thought it would be."

I tilted my head, trying to study his choice of words.

"What do you mean?"

He stared at the wall above him, a sense of embarrassment and regret in the corners of his eyes where they were scrunched up.

"Well...I might...or might not have invited them here. I felt like you needed company and something to take your mind off, well, everything."

He tilted his head over to me this time, arms lazily laying across the bedsheets where my legs were.

Without a second thought, I lunged myself towards him, the strain from lack of movement on my muscles making me slower than usual, yet that didn't stop me from encasing myself in his embrace.

He opened his arms as if he knew I was going in, grabbing around me the second we made contact. We twisted in the bed until we were a knot of limbs nuzzled up in each others warmth, clothes ruffled up in uncomfortable positions on our bodies, but it just didn't faze the connection we were making right now.

He brought his lips to mine, pressing a little deeper then usual until we were both begging for air, yet never disconnecting.

He tucked his arms under mine to bring me closer to him, fingers gliding across my shoulder blades and down my spine. Our tongues only barely glazed when he pulled away, both of us striving to catch our breaths. I smiled and tucked my head into his chest, that little moment of intimacy I hadn't shared with him in so long making my blood stir with euphoria. My heart was racing in my chest, but I just wanted to do if over and over again, to just not let him go.

We held each other there for a while before I could feel myself drifting in his arms, eyes flicking open everytime I noticed I was nodding off. Kei must have noticed because he adjusted us on the bed to a more comfortable cuddling position, wrapping me in his arms and smothering me with his body, making me hum under his warmth.


😬📸 that was gay


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