Chapter 9

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Idk what I'm doing anymoreeeee


I woke up to the birds chirping outside my window. I had almost forgotten, the images of last night filled my brain in an instant. I remembered Tsukki sleeping against me, his quiet breaths filling the room. It was so peaceful. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying my hardest not to wake him. I didn't want this moment to end. I knew eventually we'd have to get up to go to school, but I seriously didn't want to. Then it hit me...Tsukki spent the night here. Meaning he never went home. Akiteru and his mom must be worried. I tried looking around for his phone and saw it on the nightstand next to me. Of course, I was right. He had missed calls and texts. I'm surprised we didn't notice. It's not like we were loud...

I blushed and unlocked his phone, texting his mom.


Don't worry about me. I spent the night at Yamaguchi's.


I placed the phone back down and sighed. I hope they're not upset. I'd feel bad if he got in trouble because of me. After all, he wouldn't have shown up here if I had just gone to school. But, last night would have never happened if I did.

Whatever. It didn't matter. I continued to play with his soft locks, sometimes stroking his soft cheeks. I still couldn't believe I was getting the chance to do this. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered, a goofy smile finding its way across my face. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't stop smiling. I felt a little movement come from my chest, and a groaning Tsukki sat up, rubbing his eyes. His cheek was red and sweaty from where he was laying on me, and he yawned. His eyes met mine, and I quickly averted them, hoping my blushing face wasn't too apparent. I peeked over at him, his eyes looking around my room and locking on his glasses and phone next to me. He reached over, grabbed both, and sat back up to put them on, checking his phone. He raised an eyebrow and peeked over at me.

"Sorry, I texted your mom cause I got worried," I chuckled and he tossed his phone on the bed, making his way off me. No more cuddles. Without a word, he left the room to go downstairs. I checked the clock. It was only 7 am, we still had time before school started, so I'm assuming he went to make some breakfast. I hopped out of bed, looking around for something to wear. I picked up the top that was taken off me last night and made my way to go look for Tsukki.

I found him rummaging through the fridge and cabinets, probably looking for something quick to make.

"Hey Tsukki, I think there's some cereal or something up in the top cabinet," I pointed and he looked up there. I had trouble knowing where anything was since I rarely made anything for myself.

"Actually, I wanted to make pancakes for us," he looked back at me and I blushed, looking down at the counter trying to hide my smile. Why was he being so thoughtful all of a sudden? He never acted like this.

"O-oh. Well, there's still probably some up there too." I waited to hear the rustling of the contents before looking back up. It was unbelievable. My childhood crush was here in my house making breakfast for me. After making out with me the night before. Does this mean we're dating now? The thought made my heart flutter. I'd love that more than anything. Well, almost anything. Tsukki was at the top of the list.

We spent the rest of the morning struggling to make pancakes, realizing both of us were terrible cooks. After attempted about 5 times, there was a (barely) edible pancake sitting right in front of us. We both gave each other a look, nodded and I grabbed it and threw it away.

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