Chapter 25

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*Oikawa voice* Niiicceee

Ummm fluff??? Fluff???? EH???


My door slammed shut behind me as I slid down to the ground, leaning on it. I sat there with my knees tucked in, hands already shaking. I wasn't entirely sure why I was panicking, but I've come to terms that this was now a regular habit.

I half expected him to come barging into my room, but after 30 minutes of trembling on the ground, everything in the house stayed silent, the worry slowly seeping from my body. I set my hands on the ground and stood up, creeping over to the bed and reaching for my phone. I could use a distraction right now. The time stamp on my lock screen read 3 pm now, which meant Kei would be home. I deeply considered going over to his place, but when I peeked back down at my wrists and hand, I knew he would get worried.

Then again, I could just make up an excuse. The cuts across my wrists were small and barely visible, not even good enough to be cat scratches. I could say that I was working outside, planting that garden, and cut my hands trying to cut some things up. I knew I would feel uneasy lying to him, but I was too scared to tell him the truth.

Everything right now was scary. I had no clue what I was supposed to do. I'm too weak to handle things by myself, but I don't want to tell anyone. For some reason, I believed in my heart that it would just make things worse. 

I inhaled, choking back tears, and decided to text Kei.


Hey Kei, you think I could come over right now?  3:04


I waited a few minutes for his reply, assuming he had his notifications off.


Kei: Aren't you sick?  3:07


I tensed up, remembering that I did tell him I was sick earlier after I had forgotten. Ugh, stupid.


I'm feeling much better now! Maybe it was just allergies. 3:08


Kei: Alright, but you better not get me sick 3:08


I smiled and jumped up from my bed, looking around for some good clothes to wear. I've been to his place so many times, yet every time I get the chance I'm giddy with excitement.

After getting ready, I skipped out of my room and down the hallway stairs, looking around for my shoes and a jacket. I was already wearing Kei's sweater, but I knew it was going to be cold, so I decided to bundle up. As I was slipping my shoes on, I heard a door shut from above the stairs, and I paused for a second, trying to listen. But, I should have used that extra second to put on my shoes, because I panicked whenever I heard the footsteps heading towards the staircase.

It was gross that I even had to worry about facing my dad, especially in this state, but I couldn't help the mental barriers that were keeping me from having the ability to keep a cool head. Right as I was about to open the door and rush out, the deep voice from behind me startled me, sending shivers down my spine.

"Tadashi, where you off to?" he asked, pausing at the bottom of the stairs. I turned around to face him, he hadn't even taken a second glance at me before moving towards the living room.

"Uhm...I was going to go to Kei's. I hadn't seen him all day and wanted to spend some time with him," I said, a hand still resting on the doorknob.

"Oh, that's too bad."

I listened to the way he talked. He didn't sound mad, he sounded almost...disappointed.

"Why's that?"

He sat on the arm of the couch, staring down at the carpet below him.

"I was just thinking that we could go out to eat or something, you know, get some father-son bonding time in? But, if you would rather go to your boyfriend's house, that's okay with me," he answered, tilting his head to the side and looking up at me, and small side smile plastered across his heavily freckled face. I felt a small wave of guilt wash over me. I had been worried for no reason, and then my dad was actually trying to do something nice for me.

I considered my options. Spend time with Kei, or hang out with my dad. I really wanted to see Kei. It had been a rough few days, caused by the same person who wants to spend time with me. But, I know he was trying to redeem himself, so how was he supposed to do that if I just turned him down?

I sighed, removing my hand from the handle, and faced him. I didn't even have to say anything before his smile grew bigger, and I tried to hold back a smile myself. Maybe we would have fun.


"Have you ever been here before kiddo?" he asked, driving around the parking lot of a restaurant I had never seen before.

"No," I said, shaking my head, "Mom never took me out to eat much, so I haven't been to a lot of places."

My dad pulled into a parking spot and unlocked the doors for us to get out.

"This was the first place your mom and I went on a date. It's one of my favorite places in the world. I think you'll like it."

We both got out of the car as I tucked my hands in my pocket, burying my face in the top of my coat. Despite being sunny enough to be summertime, the chill of the cold bit at my skin, turning every vulnerable spot red. My dad didn't look that affected by it, barely wearing a jacket big enough to warm up even me. I hope one day I could be like him. 

I hoped one day I could be like him. I creased my eyebrows at the strange thought. 

The outside of the restaurant presented that it was a sushi place, and it looked expensive at that. Yet, very few people were here, so it was a stroke of luck for us.

Once we were inside, my dad talked to the lady at the front and got us a booth away near the back. He told me that it was 'the best place because it wasn't too loud and they served quicker back there.' I decided not to doubt him, since, you know, I've never been here.

The lady led us to the back of the restaurant, where we were taken to a booth, both me and my dad sitting on opposite sides of each other. Soon she left us alone, and silence filled the already quiet room. Considering this was the first time I was going out with my dad, it was extremely awkward. We both scanned our menus for something to eat, but I wasn't sure what half of the foods on there were.

I think my dad sensed my confusion because he took the menu from my hands and set them to the side, smiling at me.

"I'll order for us, alright?"

I smiled back at him and slightly bobbed my head with a nod.

I suppose today wasn't going to be too bad.


FLUfF???? Uhhhhhhhhh ok. 


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