Chapter 43

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Saline solution to all your problems~

I'm totally sobbing to this tonight


Why did it feel like this was the end?

Things felt like they were moving so slowly, arms reaching out for each other, fingertips just out of reach, but a small unpredictable mishap kept us apart.

My cheeks sunk into the soaking floor, eyes staring at the sight in front of me. Kei looked so unfazed, so unbelievably smug about his position, despite clearly at the hands of defeat.

We both were, but our reactions to this were so different that anyone would think we were in two completely different scenarios.

I was inches away, but I was helpless.

My eyes felt so heavy like an unbroken weight was pulling them down. I didn't want to relax, to be at the shackles of conquest, but why did it feel so right?

This is the end...isn't it?


"This is the police! Back away and hands behind your head!"

This is not happening. This is a dream.

I watched as my dad's victorious face twisted into one of pure hatred, just slightly leaning forward.

"Make a move and we will shoot!"

He was surrounded, police, after barging in, changed the atmosphere completely, red and blue lights filling the room.

Kei smirked as my dad reluctantly moved off of him, only for a handful of police to take him by the hands and arms, restraining him with just a pair of handcuffs. It almost made me chuckle, something so minimal and weak could best someone who had caused me so much discomfort.

We both laid there for what felt like an eternity, I felt so heavy in my spot, so heavy the blood under me didn't even feel like something foreign and not a part of me.

I smiled as Kei crawled over to me, a grin across his face. He cradled me in his arms, holding hands tightly over my wounds.

"Heyy Tadashi. Long time no see,"

I rubbed my face into his jacket, inhaling so deeply the only thing I could feel and smell was his familiar scent.

"I suppose that's my fault," I chuckled, a half frown and half-smile across my lips.

Kei brought his head up in an almost inquisitive manner, rubbing his chin.

"Nah, I think it's that bitches out there," he nodded, pointing a thumb towards the door. We both laughed at the same time, moving closer to each other. He rubbed fingers across my cheeks, and I could feel the tears wanted to spill out again at how gentle it was, I had missed it so much.

He lifted me up even higher and tighter to him, my head resting on his shoulder. I groaned from the pain, but I didn't even care because no pain could match the content I was feeling right now, I was almost giddy yet at peace.

A couple of people walked through the door again, but it wasn't police officers this time, making me slightly frown.

Kei turned around to see them before looking at me again, smiling gently. They both lifted me up onto a stretcher, although I kept my hands tightly wrapped around Kei's, unwilling to let go.

As they placed a mask on my face once we were out the door, I peeked around me, cop car lights flashing and filling the night sky. My dad was being shoved into a car, his visibly upset expression making me smile. I wanted to thank those police officers, but I couldn't bring myself to speak.

For some reason I was unexpectedly sleepy, eyes once again drooping. The white metal of the ambulance car filling my sight, eyes squinting at the strain it was causing me. I squeezed Kei's hand one more time to confirm he was still there since my vision was only getting fuzzier. I could feel the car moving, but I just couldn't sense what was going on around me.

I let my eyes close one more time, and this time they didn't open.


We were at the hospital in what felt like a second, crisp air and the bumpy ground against the stretcher wheels jolting me awake. They led me into the hospital quickly, and I was suddenly surrounded by doctors all running beside me. I moved my hands around but I couldn't feel Kei's hand there, which only made me uneasy. I didn't want to be alone, the bright hospital lights above me blinding me and making my eyes burn like I was in the midst of a fire.

I was led into a dark room, doctors crowding my view. Why was it that I felt so claustrophobic even though I know they were just trying to save me?

A male, with beautiful ocean eyes, appeared above me with yet another mask, holding it over my nose. I could feel his smile behind his own mask.

"Count to three with me alright?"

I nodded as he placed the mask over my face, inhaling the sharp and almost nauseating smell.






What was this? A dream?

Must be, because I'm standing unharmed in a field.

It was weird, I've never been aware that I was in a dream before.

And, this field feels very familiar, although I couldn't put my finger on it. Cherry blossoms swept over a pond, coating it so I couldn't even see the bottom. It stretched out to the horizon, the white and ethereal horizon.

I sat down, staring out as the wind swept the flowers across the entire terrain, pink and white petals drifting along the skyline. I rubbed my hands across the grass, slightly shocked at how real it felt, how it just so gently pricked against my skin, making me giggle.

It struck me that I hadn't had a dream this...amazing in what was probably forever. They were all figments my imagination created as a result of my constant stress and depression, but this was different. It was peaceful. It seems so unreal my mind would give me this, so unreal I almost didn't want to wake up.

Yet, I have a life outside this. I do want to wake up, I want to see Kei's face and hold him, I want to feel better, and happy. I don't want to regret waking up anymore.

This is the end. The end of my battle.

This is the end.


No it's not 😒

KYDKXYKYXKXF8YIYIXYGXUGXUCGJJGXIGXIGXIGXIGXHICIXHICHCKHXHHCKK I'm totally not crying rn I just really love chapters where he's happy 🤧


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