Chapter 17

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"Do you wanna do something after school today, Kei?" I asked once practice was done, bouncing over next to him radiating enthusiastic energy, so I was sure he'd feel inclined to consider. But, his face said otherwise, he looked almost miserable, his eyes filled with a gloom I haven't seen in a while. My heart was aching with worry, but I couldn't let him see that.

"That sounds wonderful right now, but I wanna go home. I'm tired. Raincheck?" he asked, although I could tell he wasn't asking. I didn't wanna force him to go with me if he wasn't feeling it. I nodded, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek before heading to my next class.

I sat in my seat, my foot tapping the floor vigorously. I wasn't even paying attention to what the teacher was saying at this point, her mumbled explanations going in one ear and out the other.

What was it? I wish he could just tell me. 'I'm tired' Why did he feel so prone to lie about how he was feeling?

I tried to wrap my mind around it.

Someone shook my shoulder, making me gasp.

"The bell rang already. You alright?"

I nodded and shoved past her, ready to meet up with Tsukki. I jogged down the hallways and to the front doors where I waited for him, thinking of what I should say. Maybe tonight I can-

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see who it was.



Hurry up and get home after school. You weren't home last night and I'm worried


Dang it. Why did you have to ruin everything? I shoved my phone back into my pants, my mind buzzing with insufferable apprehension. I spun around, looking for him, tucking my hands in my pockets and fiddling with my fingers, trying to distract myself from the stinging feeling in the back of my head.


I jumped at the familiar voice, questioning who it was before realizing only one person calls me that. Turning around to be met by golden and glasses, I sighed, my turmoil slightly calming down. He tilted his head at me, blinking slowly as if he was trying to get inside my mind.

"You ready?" I asked, and he gave me an exaggerated nod, stepping ahead of me. I followed barely behind him, our shoulders just centimeters from making contact. I wanted to stick close to him, to make him feel safe. Although to others, it probably looked like I was the one hiding behind him as if he needs to protect me.

And, maybe I was. I've hidden in his shadow for so long.

It was safe there.

A sudden wave of confidence surged through me as I grabbed his arm, turning him around to face me.

"Are you okay? And don't lie to me again, please. I wanna help you." I stared right into his eyes, those eyes that were a mix of honey and sadness. I could tell as he looked down at me that he was worn out.

"I told you I was just tir-"

"Kei. Just...please. I've been worried all day, and I can't get it out of my head that you're ignoring me or I did something wrong, so whatever it is then I'm sorry, but can you just tell me? Please?" I closed my eyes, us both standing in silence for longer than I would have preferred. I finally sighed and opened them, Kei staring at me in shock from my little outburst. He peered off to the side, little hints of red appearing on his cheeks by his eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong Tadashi. I didn't lie to you. I am tired. I was up really late last night, 'cause when you were sleeping in my arms, I didn't wanna fall asleep. You just looked really cute, and comfortable, and I liked seeing you so peaceful," he admitted, saying that last part just barely above a whisper, almost impossible to hear. But I heard him. Loud and clear.

My face flushed, and I looked down at my feet. I kinda felt bad for snapping at him now, especially because I was worried about nothing.

"So you know, you don't need to worry about me, okay?" I peeked up at him, giving him a little nod and we continued walking, side by side as I locked my fingers in his.

We didn't have to say anything else to each other.


"Okay, bye Kei, I'll see you tomorrow," I said once we got to our usual splitting point, reluctantly releasing my hand from his. But, before I could turn away, he pulled me back in, meeting his lips with mine. It was perfect, the way we connected instantly. I inhaled sharply from the shock, but eventually, we both relaxed, pressing into each other more. He brought his hands up to the side of my face, holding me there. As he pulled away from me, I kept leaning in, taking in every touch from his fingers as they slid off my face.

Just one more second.

Only a little more of the euphoric feeling, the one that sent a rush throughout my blood.

"Goodbye, Tadashi."

A sigh escaped his lips before we parted, and he was gone. I watched as he strode down the sidewalk, hands tucked in his pockets and headphones dangling around his neck. The darkness of the night like a black hole, swallowing everything until I couldn't see him anymore.

I turned and walked to my house, my feet moving with more dedication than usual. It was cold, the crisp air making me shiver every time I breathed in, but the flush on my cheeks wasn't completely from the cold.

As I turned the road and drew closer to my house, I noticed the lights on, so at least I wouldn't have to wake him up. Then again, I didn't wanna see him at all. I stepped up onto the porch, but right before I opened the door, I stopped, noticing the flower pots by the wall were knocked down, and I bend down to put them back up.

They were barely growing, but I didn't have the heart to throw them out. I'll have to start taking care of them more...

I finally stood back up, opening the door to get inside.

I covered my mouth immediately, my face twisting with disgust.


hng hrrrrrrr sus


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