Chapter 29

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Switching to Tsukkis POV


Seven days. Seven fucking days and he never came to school. I was alright when it was the first three, but whenever he didn't show up the fourth day I felt anger heat up in me. As much as Tadashi loves skipping with me, he'd never skip for this long, and not without me.

He ended up texting me this Thursday saying he was out camping with his dad, but suspicion was creeping in the back of my mind. It was all just too sudden, first, he skipped coming to my place, then he skips school for seven days, no heads up, no warning.

Maybe I was just being clingy. It doesn't look like it, but I needed Tadashi here with me. I have no friends. Granted, I am an asshole, but I choose to be. So, whenever he was gone, I felt more lonely than I ever do. And that's saying something.

I'm always worried about him. I know I shouldn't, and I know he asks me not to, but these past few weeks he's been through so much I'm not even sure how he's actually getting through. I could feel his mentality falling down just by being with him, and it hurt my heart.

Once practice time rolled around, I ignored the others, refusing to answer their questions about where Tadashi was. I knew he was going to get chewed out by Daichi the second he gets back, so I felt bad for him.

"He hasn't been texting me! You're his boyfriend, I thought you were supposed to know where he's at!" Hinata yelled, his obnoxious outburst making me wince in annoyance.

"Shut it, Ginger! You don't know what's going on," I shout back, my angry expression turning into one of sadness. They all looked at me in shock, and I turned away, staring out of the gym, "Whatever."

I just really, really hope he's okay.


Walking home alone was a lot more depressing than I had remembered. Something didn't feel right in the air. Every time I turned around thinking he was going to be there I broke my heart a little more.

I pulled over my hood, hoping I could distract myself by listening to music.

I walked around our usual corner where we'd usually split off, looking back towards the direction of his house. Usually, I'd be watching him walk away right now, his dark green hair swaying behind him. He always complained it was too long, but I always thought it really suited him. Then again, he hated so many things about himself that I loved, it hurt my soul every time he'd call himself ugly. If only I could get him to see himself how I see him.

If only.

I went to go walk away, but something stopped me as if my feet were glued to the ground. My stomach was aching, begging me not to take another step forward. He's okay. I told myself. He's okay.

But this wasn't enough to convince me, running one foot after another to his house. This was something I remembered all too well, watching the blurry fences in the corner of my vision just like last time. I dashed down the street, unaware of how much time was passing or how cold the wind was on my cheeks, I kept on until I was in front of his door.

Panting and taking off my foggy glasses to clean them, I walked up the steps, raising a single hand to the door and knocking. There was no answer for the longest time, and I peeked back behind me. His dads car was there, so obviously he lied about being away for camping. That was strike one.

I tried looking through the windows, but it was pitch black. In the middle of the day? That was strike two.

I heard a rattle on the door handle, excitement filling my body at the thought of getting to see Tadashi again.

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