The Voices

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Plot: The voices in Techno's head lol (inspo of the video)


Techno always had issues with his... 'voices'. They would nag at him daily probably why he couldn't sleep and had constant headaches. Over time he learnt to control the voices, but they were always there. The most continuous thing they told him was

'Blood for the Blood God'

He had no idea why on Earth they would ever want that. He learned that he was the blood god because of how much he craved it. His twin Piglin, Wilbur, did not have the same voices though. He was just normal from what he could tell. It was hard not having someone to sympathize with him but in the end all of his family members knew when to not fuck with him.

He was constantly guilty about all the times when he had lashed out in anger when he was younger. He had specific memories where he had hurt each one of his family. Phil included. They were so vivid it made Technoblade himself always want to curl up in a ball and cry. Just the thought of hurting the ones he loved made him want to throw up.

His family members had gone to the market place today, so he had no-one to soothe him as the memories and voices grew more apparent. He stumbled from the kitchen where he had been drinking a coffee up to his room. He shut the door quietly feeling a headache coming on. As he drifted into unconsciousness, he couldn't get the voices to shut up. All muttering three different names.

Tommy, Wilbur, Phil

The twins were 6 and Tommy was 3 at the time Techno first lost it. Tommy had taken the wooden sword Phil had gotten him for his Birthday and run up to hide in his room although you could hear his chuckling. The voices muttered one word


He raced up to Tommy's room ignoring the snickering from Wilbur and the quiet humoured hum from his father. He started banging on the door infuriated. He didn't even ask to get in he just kicked the door open, fucking the lock up, oops. Tommy was nowhere to be seen although Techno could hear the small giggles coming from somewhere in the room. His head ached and ringing was distant but slowly edging closer in his ears. He took two more steps into the room when Tommy jumped out from behind him.

"BOO!" the so dead 3-year-old yelled. Techno's reflexes got the better of him and he turned around with such speed for someone at the age of 6 and punched him smack in the face. Tommy went a small distance backwards stumbling a couple seconds. His nose streamed with blood. Too much blood for someone his age. He didn't even yell out in pain or cry like a 3-year-old would. He collapsed on the spot his eyes closing the speed at which he fell. The voices stopped and the whole house went quiet. Techno looked at his fist and saw the blood of his little brother on his knuckles. The ringing got louder, and Phil called up to see if everything was ok before sending Wilbur upstairs. His twin wailed at the sight crouching down next to Tommy. Phil raced upstairs seeing the sight before him.

Techno had closed his eyes shut as the voices started up again saying their famous line. Phil had picked Tommy up going to the bathroom instructing Wilbur to make sure Techno was alright. Techno hadn't realised his brother had stayed here with him until he felt someone behind him rubbing his back softly.

"It's okay Techno," Wilbur soothed. The voices slowly dispersed further back into his head and he managed to open his eyes holding back tears. He turned around quickly, and Wilbur didn't even flinch. Techno clung to his twin sobbing. Tommy had woken up after Phil had stopped the bleeding and Techno was quietly talked to. That day was awful for Techno. Tommy had not made full eye contact with Techno after a month.

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