A Distorted Reign (Part 2)

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Plot: After Techno, Wilbur and Tommy wake up they start experiencing alterations to their natural selves


Genekinesis - The manipulation of DNA

The 3 boys all awoke around the same time. After Phil had quickly hugged them, he went downstairs to make hot chocolate. But the teens felt off. Something was up. And they could all see it on each other. They all sat respectively on the couches waiting for Phil to join them. Soon the whole family was gathered on the couches and they sat in silence a few more minutes.

"Care to explain what happened?" Phil wondered a concerned look on his face.

"Well," Wilbur started. "The school-"


"No," Wilbur shook his head. "I'm fine, besides you are like sweating out of your mind over there!"

"He is right though Wil," Techno intervened looking at his twin with concern. At that Wilbur shot up to go look for himself. Racing upstairs he looked in the bathroom mirror. Tommy wiped his forehead of the sweat and Techno's headache intensified. At least no one had picked up on his issue yet, but he would have to tell as soon as they started panicking. A crash came from upstairs and Phil got up quickly, followed by Tommy surprisingly. Techno got up too quickly and ended up blacking out for a small second. He found himself on his knees when he regained eye sight and made his way upstairs.

Meanwhile, Phil had arrived to find Wilbur on the floor and the mirror smashed. Tommy saw it too and put a hand over his mouth. Phil went to check on his son looking for a wound. But there was none. The only thing was the blood nose the brunette had acquired. None of them knew it would be possible for him to look any paler than he already was, but Wilbur is a shocking child. Phil helped Wilbur stand up as Techno entered the doorway pushing past Tommy who was frozen in the staring at the mirror.

Phil proceeded to lead Wilbur downstairs walking ahead of him just in case he fell. Techno now went to follow but placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder looking at the mirror now too. He didn't have the best eyes due to his pounding headache, but he could see the black smoke leaking from the cracks. Techno became quickly unsettled by the stuff and gently moved Tommy and himself downstairs. Not spotting his father and brother instantly Techno slightly panicked until he noticed them in the kitchen.

Wilbur was currently throwing up all the food he hadn't digested which wasn't much so the liquid should be a sickly green. Yet it wasn't. That same black stuff had taken the place of his vomit and there didn't seem to be a shortage in it. Phil was rubbing his back as the middle child clung to the sink in somewhat agony. Techno approached wanting to get a good look at the weird black goo but that's when the tears started.

"WHAT THE-" Tommy screamed getting the attention of the 3 of them. He had tears streaking down his face. Not just any tears but somehow magma tears. Techno was left with Wilbur still clutching the sink throwing up as Phil grabbed water and tissues for Tommy getting him to sit on the couch. Tommy sniffed not knowing why he was crying and why it was warm. Phil placed a hand on the youngest's forehead finding a wild temperature. He proceeded to wipe Tommy's tears away with some damp tissues.

Soon Techno had managed to walk over to the couch across from them. The middle child still looked sickly pale and like he could pass away at any minute. Tommy had stopped crying and Phil was getting him an ice pack for his forehead. Techno started feeling bad now. His head had only started getting worse and things swirled in his mind. Things coming from other people.

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