Requests 8

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Clumsy Child






Plot: Tommy does something stupid and suffers because of it (Requested by _ELISE_LILY_)


Tommy had always been a reckless child. So it was completely expected for him to break a bone somewhere in his life. But no one expected it to be that bad.

Tommy was running around not a care in the world being 7. His brothers were outside with him supposedly playing with him. Wilbur was indeed messing around with his younger brother, but Techno was more interested in his book rather than the two youngers. And Tommy had unfortunately planned to leave the property and explore the forest behind their house. Phil being inside working had no idea what was going to happen.

"Can't catch me!" Tommy yelled and raced off. Wilbur was quick to race on after him. After all, what was so bad about running around a bit. The blonde had slowed soon as he was tired from all the running. He didn't quite know where he was. He looked around for a bit before hearing a stick snap. He was very quick to get up a tree as Wilbur attempted to tackle him. Tommy heard a thud but didn't really comprehend it until he was high enough to not be caught. The blonde looked back down perched on a little branch only to find a bit of bad news.

"Tom...?" Wilbur groaned holding his face, probably running into the tree like an uncoordinated fuck. His brother stumbled back onto the grass removing his hand from his face. Tommy was somewhat horrified seeing the blood coming from his brother's face.

"Wil?" the blonde asked with no response. "I'm coming down Wilby." The brunette had now lay back in the grass fairly dazed from his tussle with the tree. Tommy lurched forward as the branch was struggling to hold his weight while he tried to reach the actual tree again. "Wil...?" Tommy heard a soft groan from the tree's base and saw his brother sitting upright now looking a bit better. "Help...!" The branch creaked with the 7-year-olds weight. Wilbur had realised too late.


A scream

Another snap

Another scream

The last thing Tommy saw was his older brother's concerned gaze and his left arm, somewhat mangled just in his eyesight. With that he passed out.

Wilbur looked in shock at his younger brother's arm. The brunette's vision blurred as he noticed the supposed bone sticking from the blonde's arm. He gagged and stood shakily. He nudged his brother's torso with his foot, but the younger remained unconscious. Wilbur gently maneuvered his arms underneath Tommy's and began to drag/carry his brother back to the house.

Techno had just been peacefully reading his book unaware his brothers had run off. He heard a small grunt and he looked up from his book. The pinkette was quick to get up and race towards the two figures on the edge of the forest.

"What happened?!" Techno exclaimed putting a hand on the brunette's back to steady the boy.

"H-H-He... fe-ll," Wilbur sniffed as if he had sobbed the whole way back here. Mind you, he did. Tommy groaned and Techno helped his younger brother lay the youngest on the grass. The blonde was soon conscious and squinted at his brother's.

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