Don't Get Attatched

669 17 49





EPPLIEPSEY WARNING (i spelt that right)







Plot: Tommy is working his job and living his best life, but I make him suffer


Tommy was quite liking his apprenticeship at the local hospital. Sure, it was rather hard to tie in his studies and physically caring for patients but he liked it. He got to visit the hospital 3 times a week and he helped some of the current residents there.

Today, Tommy was at the hospital and during a late shift too. He was just sitting at the main desk with some of his friends, practically waiting for something to go wrong. It was unnerving during Tommy's first night but now he knew it was very rare something bad went wrong.

One of Tommy's regular patients, Wilbur, was here tonight and Tommy wanted to go annoy the adult but knew he shouldn't. Though it wasn't too late and Tommy was sick of loosing every Uno game his friends played.

So he decided to do a 'check', which was his regular excuse to go see one of his regulars. His supervisor, Technoblade, didn't really mind because Tommy was still doing his job, and he was keeping patients company.

So, Techno had nodded when Tommy approached him, not even speaking a word but understanding. Tommy gave Techno a smile and hurried off to where he knew Wilbur was. Tommy had been here for a while now, nearly 6 months.

Of course, he had made friends during that time. Though Wilbur was a patient and had been quite reluctant to converse with Tommy when they first met, the two had grown close. They would chat whenever possible and even had each other's numbers.

Best of friends. And although Tommy likes to tease Wilbur about them being brothers, he genuinely believes so. As Tommy had grown up in a shit home he was very quick to cling to others. He felt that very close bond with Wilbur but never wanted to admit to it.

Tommy had soon found himself at the door to Wilbur's room and knocked slightly before letting himself in. The brunette looked like he was asleep, but Tommy could see the faint light of his phone. "Shouldn't you be resting?" Tommy made himself obvious and smirked mischievously.

Wilbur jolted on the bed and rolled over with a soft groan. "You are literally so quiet," Wilbur whispered. Tommy rolled his eyes and proceeded to check on the several monitors and fluids.

"Maybe it's just your old man ears finally expiring," Tommy taunted, and Wilbur scoffed.

"Are you bored or something?" Wilbur asked truthfully, sitting up steadily. Tommy shrugged, not confirming nor denying.

"How's your symptoms?" Tommy pulled out one of his notepads where he had been previously recording Wilbur's symptoms.

"Bit of a migraine," Wilbur whispered. "Tired and shit." Tommy nodded and jot down the symptoms.

"Not too bad considering the focal seizures you were having last check-in," Wilbur nodded at Tommy's statement, still looking at the teen for an expected answer. Tommy rolled his eyes, setting the notepad away. "Yes, alright I was bored, they kept destroying me in Uno."

Wilbur laughed softly, obviously finding it entertaining that Tommy was an obvious loser. "Do you even know how to play Uno?" Wilbur cackled softly and Tommy cursed at him. "Didn't expect you to be so bad at Uno, oh my god."

"Yeah, yeah, shut up old man," Tommy retorted and Wilbur stuck his tongue out at him childishly. "Good to see you are feeling well enough to laugh at me." Tommy sat in one of the nearby chairs beside Wilbur. "Bet you couldn't beat me in any other card game."

"I doubt that," Wilbur challenged Tommy.

"Then I'll bring my set of cards tomorrow and we can have a competition," Wilbur nodded in return, muttering about taking Tommy down. The two of them hung out for a little longer, Tommy would report that he was keeping an eye on the brunette but they were really just having fun.

Tommy had met Wilbur during his first week at the hospital when he was still clinging to Techno and being socially awkward (he hates thinking about how cringe he was, don't bring it up). When Techno was visiting Wilbur and Tommy had been forced to come, because he needed the points.

Techno and Wilbur knew each other and had both ganged up on Tommy and made him feel a little more comfortable in the hospital. Regardless of circumstance, Tommy was quite close with them. He was definitely bringing cards tomorrow.

Tommy had another late shift which was his fault for always wanting to be there late, less people to deal with. Tommy checked in for his shift and greeted his friends before Techno had pulled him aside.

"Hey," Techno spoke nervously, dismissing most of the other apprentices. "Listen, some stuff happened today."

"Okay, I figured," Tommy joked with his supervisor quietly. Techno just shook his head again.

"No, something happened to Wilbur," Techno's tone of voice had already given Tommy a sinking feeling, just for him to mention his friend. "He had a bad episode today, multiple seizures in a 30minute period, and a few scans are being run to check the current damage level in his brain."

Tommy felt all of his blood pool into his feet and the temperature had grown warm and bothersome. He didn't hear the rest of Techno's sentence as he stared at the floor, trying to make sense of what he had heard.

Tommy came back to reality when Techno pulled him into a hug, which isn't something to take lightly. The teen didn't remember when he had started crying but he was currently sobbing into Techno's shoulder, hugging his friend tightly.

"It's okay Tommy, he will be fine," Techno spoke softly, holding Tommy close to his body.

But Tommy didn't know how Techno could promise or even say that

Tommy's patient was in intensive care, and no one could guarantee recovery

Tommy's close friend was dying

And he couldn't stop it


omgggg its me againnnn



how we doing??

thanks for reading my book <3

means a lot

good job at living, its very cool of you guys to keep going even in hard circumstances <333

well yeah, thats it from me hehe

hopefully more oneshots soon

have a good day/night <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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