What The Mind Does (Part 2)

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Plot: Wilbur is struggling thinking his wild ideas, and a surprise visit from 3 people makes him start healing


It had been 5 days since the files had been read. Phil had been trying to distract himself from it all but his quiet sobs were very obvious as he went to bed. Tommy hadn't gone back to school, locking himself in Wilbur's room and grieving for him as if he had died. Techno had been trying to hold his family together while struggling to keep himself from breaking down into a state nearly beyond repair.

But Wilbur. He had the worst end of it. Since Techno's last visit the brunette had been quite off. He was very happy when he was awake again only remembering that Techno came, and they had a splendid time but when he didn't come back Wilbur broke down. He believed they didn't want him and that why should he live if they didn't want him. Wilbur's deranged thinking led him to become more violent and he wasn't eating let alone taking his meds.

That was until familiar voices broke through to him.

"Wil?" Techno spoke over the speaker warily. "You in there bud?" Wilbur's eyes fluttered open from where he was curled up in a foetus position on the floor. Sitting upright he looked around assuming he was hallucinating. Techno noticed this and spoke again. "Hold on we're coming in." Wilbur's eyes widened as the door opened revealing 3 people. 3 very familiar people.

"Wilbur..." Tommy whispered, tears evident in his eyes. Phil was clinging onto Techno's arm shaking and tears ran down his face. Techno gave Wilbur a soft smile as if to encourage him and calm the younger down. Wilbur hadn't realised his hands had started twitching again until Tommy's eyes landed on them. Instinctively he hid his hands behind his back as his breathing quickened. Techno noticed and gently moved Phil onto Tommy and kneeled in front of Wilbur a little away.

"It's alright," Techno soothed holding his hands out to take the brunettes in his own. Wilbur refused and waited to see the look of disappointment on his face, but it never came. Techno's hands remained outstretched and slowly Wilbur lay his own hands in the elders. Techno's face stretched into a smile and he began to rub the top of Wil's hands with his thumbs. The brunette's twitching stopped at this and his body slouched in a calmed position.

Tommy and Phil watched feeling smile's pull their anxiety back a bit. Techno slowly sat on the ground a little less than 15cm away not taking his hands from Wil's. He looked back to his family and beckoned them over with a tilt of his head. Phil was the first to approach his shaking having stopped and he sat a little behind Techno crossing his legs and watching with a smile. Tommy came soon after sitting on the opposite side of Techno but not behind at all. Wilbur seemed to grow more anxious at their movements, but Techno rubbed his hands again to soothe him.

"Hey mate," Phil's voice shook as he let out a light-hearted chuckle. "Hey..." Wilbur pulled his hands back looking at the floor wondering what he could say to them.

"I-I... I'm sorry..." Wilbur whispered barely audible. Tommy's heart shattered to pieces much like Phil's and Techno's at those words. Wilbur had started twitching again and tears started to roll down his face. Tommy leaned forward and grabbed a hold of Wilbur's shoulders gently. The older flinched but didn't move to get away.

"Wil..." Tommy struggled past the lump in his throat to speak to his older brother. "You have nothing absolutely nothing to be sorry about okay." Tommy's eyes met the signature amber brown ones of his brother. His throat closed up further as he saw his brother's eyes practically melting in emotion. Those eyes reflected the same fear Tommy held in his own eyes. Something deeper in their caramel depths. Something almost feral but at the same time he could still see the same Wilbur who teased him and messed around with him.

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