Requests 28

685 19 25

Evening Illness







Plot: Techno wakes up feeling unwell and he isn't the only one (Requested by Jw1142010)


Techno had woken up feeling awful. He was so nauseous and had woken up at 3am, just his luck. Techno had quickly gotten up, running to the bathroom and throwing up into the sink, stomach acid and some remnants from his dinner the product of his uncomfortable stomach.

Techno rinsed the sink before going back to bed. He slept in a shared room with Wilbur, although they were 15 and 13, neither of them really wanted to get a different room. Techno was thankful to have not woken anyone in the house, although it would be nice to have comfort.

Techno had drifted back off to sleep, waking an hour later when he heard a thud come from downstairs. He was quick to get up, dizziness forcing him to regret moving so quickly. He quickly moved downstairs, suspecting something had broken in.

But as he arrived downstairs, he only found Wilbur, unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. Techno quickly moved to be beside his brother, shaking Wilbur, but the brunette's body was fully limp, only sagging into the movement.

Techno was about to grab his younger brother when another wave of nausea hit and he rushed to the kitchen, throwing up in that sink this time, starting to feel lightheaded himself. Techno sunk down onto the floor, breathing heavily as he tried not to pass out.

He watched Wilbur, almost trying to will his brother to wake up and be okay. But nothing like that happened. Techno let his body go limp on the cold floor, trying to focus on his breathing as tunnel vision kicked in and Techno's ears produced waves of static.

Instead of passing out, Techno had evaded the light headedness and stood slowly, leaning against the kitchen bench. He stumbled slowly closer to Wilbur, who was still passed out. He sat beside his brother, pulling his younger brother into his arms.

Techno's gut churned and he forced his brain to ignore it, instead trying to focus on his brother. Wilbur was very pale, and his body felt cold, yet he was sweating. If Techno wasn't still so dizzy and disoriented maybe, he would've picked up on Wilbur's fever before checking the brunette's forehead.

Wilbur's body was freezing, he was sweating, and his forehead was burning up. Techno whimpered quietly, trying not to throw up again, not having enough to throw up, instead stomach acid would burn through his digestive tract.

"D-Dad!" Techno whispered, having tried to call out to their father but struggling, dizziness making the light headedness return harder. "Dad..." he slurred, struggling to keep his eyes open. Techno had won something, Wilbur had jarred back to consciousness, groaning quietly and curling closer to Techno.

Techno pulled Wilbur into his arms, standing shakily. He was aware enough to now they needed help. He stumbled up the stairs, leaning against the wall. Techno kept calling out for their dad, barely making it to the fifth step before his legs buckled.

He sat there, catching his breath, holding Wilbur in his arms. His little brother was limp on his torso, having his arms wrapped around Techno's neck to hold on and head resting on Techno's shoulder. But he had passed out again, leaving Techno to stress some more.

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