Unstable Nights

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Plot: Techno helps his brother through a tough night


It wasn't uncommon for teenagers and young adults to face mental health issues. In fact it was completely normal for someone to face symptoms of many common illnesses, anxiety, depression, eating disorders etc.

And Techno had been diagnosed with ADHD at a younger age. His first nicer foster home had got him tested before sending him away. But now he was 17, stopping it was out of the question, coping with it was his specialty.

Although Techno knew about the common mental illnesses, he never expected his brothers to face mental health difficulties. It was obvious a while ago that Tommy was somewhere on the ASD spectrum, but he was hiding it very well from Phil that was for sure.

Considering Techno, Tommy and Wilbur had been good friends from the orphanage they knew quite a lot about each other, but not all of it. Tommy was 9 now, Wilbur 15. It was normal for them to want to hide their issues from Phil, regardless of how many times he had said he was keeping them forever.

Techno was awake tonight, his brain had fixated on Minecraft and making the best potato farm. But he was startled when he heard something shatter downstairs. He quickly stood and tip-toed down the stairs, expecting to find someone breaking in.

Instead he was met with an alarming scene. Wilbur was on the floor of the kitchen, hyperventilating, and closing his eyes as tight as they could go. "Wil?" Techno called out, attempting, and failing to not startle the middle child.

"T-Tech?" Wilbur swallowed, opening his eyes slightly to look at Techno.

"What happened?" Techno moved closer, squatting beside his little brother.

"I-I-I saw... I-" Techno comforted him softly, pulling him into a hug. Techno had done basic research into mental health conditions and realised Wilbur may be having a difficult time.

"Can you stand?" Wilbur nodded his head and Techno helped him up, guiding him to the couch. Techno practised a few breathing exercises with him and started to ask questions when Wilbur could actually breath again. "What did you see?"

"I-It was a... I-I don't re-remember," Wilbur sobbed, putting his hands to his head, and pulling at his hair. Techno calmed him gently, but Wilbur wasn't listening to him anymore. The brunette had started banging on his head and Techno had to quickly intervene.

He pulled Wilbur's hands down and rubbed the backs of his shaking hands gently. "It's okay, it's okay. You don't have to know, okay?" Wilbur nodded slowly, sobbing, and crying. Techno wasn't good at physical touch, something him and the youngest had in common.

But he knew Wilbur would feel better off that way. So he pulled Wilbur into his body, Laying back into the cushions of the couch. Wilbur continued to sob and shake for a while, but Techno remained right by his side. Until Wilbur had stopped shaking and Techno let go of his brother.

Wilbur sat upright and wiped his face from the tears. "I didn't see it that much," he whispered softly. "But it was like..." Techno waited patiently, watching Wilbur's brain work hard at processing something it didn't want to. "A person, starring at me... with an insane s-smile."

Techno nodded and shushed his brother gently. "It's okay, it wasn't real, okay." Techno soothed Wilbur who nodded slowly. Techno turned on the TV a welcome distraction to Wilbur's frightened mind.

It was 2am and Techno had decided Minecraft could wait, his brother needed him. His brain was also trying to process his brother now. Trying to go over what conditions allowed for hallucinations. He settled on a solid list and began to contemplate his brother's past behaviours.

In his thinking he hadn't noticed that Wilbur had leant against him, curling into Techno, focussed too much on the distraction to think of sleep. Wilbur had experienced harsh mood swings before, even when he was a child.

He even got bouts of anxiety, a common illness when paired with a few others. Depression was an occasion, it was possible but unlikely. Techno had regularly witnessed Wilbur's moments of instability in more ways than one.

Techno had landed on one

But he wouldn't be sure until Wilbur was tested

And when Wilbur was tested, Techno was glad he had helped and analysed

It had put his brother at better odds for battling such a difficult illness


a shorter one than normal BUT DOUBLE UPDATES LMAOO

i just love a good old cringy vent shot im-


im fine btw (not that its alarming and no one asked lmao-)

$50 for someone to correctly guess what mental illness wilbur has in this one- /j


part 2 for the previous one maybe later this week or early next week-

have a good day/night <333333333333333333333333

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