A Distorted Reign (Part 1)

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Plot: Techno, Wilbur and Tommy find out that it isn't just a normal day at school and end up receiving gifts or curses... depends on how you perceive it


Toxikinesis - To control poison with your mind

It had started to just be a regular day at school to what Techno could see. He was sat in 2nd period doing a math exam. After finishing early because he is big brain the teacher sent him to the hall for some reason. After entering he saw students in lines getting injections. He saw Wilbur further along in the line but couldn't grab his attention so just decided to wait. Tommy was in behind him by 4 people and his younger brother decided to cut through to stand behind Techno.

"This is odd," the blonde muttered finding Wilbur in the line still not catching his attention though.

"Yeah, I wonder what its all about," Techno watched Wilbur get the injection paying precise attention because he didn't want Wilbur to have something bad happen to him. The liquid was a murky blue which gave Techno more bad vibes. Wilbur seemed to do well in the injection and waited outside for his brothers. Tommy left Techno and joined Tubbo further into the line and Techno could only nervously contemplate what they were injecting them with.

It was soon his turn and he was seated in front of a woman wearing a mask. He put his left arm up being right-handed and all. But she shook her head and grabbed his right instead. The injection was quick, but it left him feeling lightheaded. Probably because of the nerves he had worked up before the injection. He saw his two younger brothers outside cackling about something and approached wearily.

"Some bullshit huh?" Tommy muttered after they had begun walking to their lockers. "They said the injection was for the flu, but we already got vaccinated 2 months ago." Now that Tommy had mentioned it Techno did realise how very odd the injection was. But he didn't voice his concerns and instead walked behind his two brothers making up weird scenarios for why they were injected. One interested him most. That they were being weaponised by the government. The ridiculous idea made him smirk and he somewhat relaxed. But they surely were going to feel the effects soon.

Reaching Tommy's locker first he placed his books and shit in there as Techno went across the hall to his locker to do the same. Seeing how he had left it in such a mess before going into his exam made him reorganise quickly.

"Wil?" Tommy's voice sounded rather quiet, but Techno definitely heard it. He turned around seeing Tommy crouched on the ground next to Wilbur who looked totally out of it. Tommy started shaking the brunette's shoulder gently. Techno kneeled in front of Wilbur holding him upright against the lockers. Wilbur's eyes fluttered and he groaned as if in pain. Tommy looked concerned and Techno's eyes reflected his concern too. Wil felt cloudy and a headache persisted. His eyes growing more and more fogged and darkened by the second.

"Wilbur?" Techno asked shaking him gently. His twin suddenly shot upright gasping for air. Tommy held one of his arms steadying him and Techno held 2 fingers in front of his face. "How many fingers are there?" Wilbur took a second looking thoughtful as his breaths slowed to a more normal pace.

"7?" Wilbur sighed his eyes shutting and his head falling into Techno's chest. Immediately the eldest knew what to do. It wasn't safe here. The school had injected them with this liquid which was now affecting his brother and countless other students probably. Techno grabbed his phone as he passed Wilbur onto Tommy and began to dial Phil. The phone wrung twice before his father answered.

"Techno?" Phil asked wondering why his son had called.

"Hey Phil," Techno whispered hoping to not attract teacher's attention. "We need you to come get us please, its urgent." Phil inhaled sharply knowing that if Techno called and said it was urgent. Phil quickly hung up making his way to his car and then to the school. Wilbur stirred seemingly struggling with the injection. As if his body were fighting it, whatever it was. He knew Tommy would be the next to knock out and figured he should go acquire the 3's stuff.

The trip to Wilbur's locker was particularly close to the cafeteria and he poked his head in to see the damage. After the injections everyone was given early lunch which they were all quite happy about. But the cafeteria was like a ghost town. People had collapsed on the floor, where they sat but some were still awake panicking about their friends. Then he noticed the guards. Military. He quickly got what he needed from Wilbur's locker hurrying back to his younger brother raiding the other two lockers.

Tommy had waited a while for Techno panicking that his brother got caught and what on Earth he could do if that happened. He started planning that he would just leave their stuff and try to get himself and Wilbur out of the building knowing that Techno could look after himself. But his plans were interrupted by the eldest's return. He exhaled thankfully but leant back against the lockers feeling drained.

"Techno?" his voice wavered, and Techno quickly looked over to him. "I-I'm not-"

"Sh, its ok," Techno whispered giving him a worried look. Tommy nodded. After Techno had grabbed the stuff, he started helping Tommy with carrying their brother. Not even a minute of walking and Tommy was panting and had to take a break. Tommy was in somewhat agony. His head pounded and his lungs nearly howled as if he wasn't breathing air but flames instead. Techno saw him and was instantly concerned. He kneeled next to Tommy putting a hand on his forehead feeling his temperature eating him alive.

Tommy let out a small gasp at the sudden pain in his lungs. Techno now proceeded to drag both his brothers to the front of the school before Tommy lost his consciousness too. Phil arrived minutes later, and Techno was steadily becoming more lightheaded. Phil got out of the car as soon as he saw his kids. He grabbed Tommy first and lay him against the opposite window. He now got Wilbur and pushed him into the same spot as Tommy. He grabbed the school bags throwing it in with them. Being careful not to hurt either of the two unconscious boys.

He now grabbed Techno gently helping him into the passenger seat. Techno felt like he was having a heart attack but at the same time a migraine plagued his head and he felt like he could proper die and be thankful for the relief. Phil got into the car. Tommy was burning up; Wilbur was way too pale, and Techno was exhausted. He quickly started the car trying to get home as soon as possible.

"What happened?" Phil asked looking over at Techno for a split second. He saw his son half passed out in the car seat and currently gripping his chest as if there was something wrong. "Techno?" Phil stopped at a red light before clearing Techno's signature pink hair from his face. Techno's eyes were bloodshot and sweat trickled down his forehead. Phil checked his temperature looking for fever but thankfully couldn't find one. The light turned green and he continued.

"P-Phil?" Techno spoke softly.

"Its ok Techno," Phil nearly whispered. "I'm here."

"The injections they..." Techno groaned in pain taking in a relieving breath. "They did something..." Phil nodded absentmindedly. He pulled into the driveway just as Techno blacked out. He proceeded to half carry half drag each one of his sons into the house and onto their beds. He panted stress gripping right around his neck making him struggle to breathe. He left all their doors open and sat cross legged in the hall waiting for them to wake up.

They would wake up

But what did those injections do?

uhhhhhh i wanna make this a full time story bc its kinda cool but uh let me know if you guys want more of this-

i will also be pushing my commitment to my oneshots books back a bit for reasons you will know of when i get something done and writers block is outta here

have a good day/night <333

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