Blood of Dragons

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Plot: Kinda like an intro to my au lmao


Philza of the house Targaryen was the ruler of Westeros. And he sure was the best they had in centuries. Even though his house name has been dragged through the mud he was commonly respected by everyone. Philza has 3 sons. The eldest, Technoblade. Everyone knew he wasn't a Targaryen due to his incredibly rare pink hair. He lets his hair grow out long to make it a bold statement. He is well known for having never lost a single battle in his life.

The middle child, Wilbur Targaryen. His hair was also an odd instance but not many questioned his bloodlines. His curly brunette hair stood out in the family nearly as much as his older brother's pink locks. He is a well-respected member of his family and the most smarts/logic of the 3 sons. He works closely with his father to help run the kingdom, getting left the throne when Phil was out of King's landing.

And last but certainly not least, Tommy Targaryen. His golden hair nearly as messy as his older brother's. He is the trouble maker of the family. He regularly sneaks out to hang out with a few friends. He is the most well kept one of the family because no one knew he existed until he was 9. After the queen's death. They had gone quiet after that. Phil did even leave his room. Wilbur had taken it nearly as bad as Phil since he was closest to her out of all his brother's but still ran the kingdom for his father.

Tommy had been sad but soon gotten over it and Techno hadn't gotten attached to her so was just sad at the funeral then moved on. She had died from a sickness and the family didn't elaborate. Many years later drama was stirring up again unfortunately.

"I'm sorry," Tommy muttered. Wilbur proceeded to bandage his arm with a hard expression.

"I'm just glad it was only a sprain," the elder mumbled. "But please start taking it seriously."

"But I would rather die than have this curse!" Tommy exclaimed wrenching his arm away as soon as Wilbur had finished.

"Tommy," Wilbur looked at him sternly and Tommy understood he should shut up. "It is no curse, even though it feels like it. It's a privilege. Many people would literally kill to be where you are now. And besides... I won't always be around to stick my neck out for you."

"Don't say that you bitc-" Tommy was cut off by Wilbur's playful punch in the arm.

"Come on," Wilbur helped his younger brother up. "Lets get to bed before Techno or Dad catches us." Tommy raced off to his room as Wilbur raced to his own. The castles halls were long and tall, covered in gold substitutes. Tommy arrived at his room closing the door hurriedly. He yelped when he saw the figure sat on the windowsill. The pink hair made it very obvious who, but it only made Tommy nervous.

"Heyyyyy," Tommy whispered. "Techno what're you doi-" Techno stood before him with an annoyed glare.

"Being scared the shit out of by 5-year-olds," the eldest grumbled mater of factly. "I thought someone kidnapped you both." Tommy patted Techno's shoulder.

"No need to worry Big Man," Tommy yawned making his way over to his bed.

"Guess I'll be on my way now," Techno nodded. He seemed off from Tommy's perspective, but he was too tired to figure out why.

"Kay, g'night."

"Night Tommy." Techno shut the door gently trying not to wake the oblivious guards sleeping on the job. They would realise later and be honest with Phil. Who would send them to the wall. Besides, they needed better fighters up there was what the reports Eret Stark had said. Techno soon found himself where he needed to be. His brother's room. He knocked gently and heard hurried movement before the door creaked open.

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