What The Mind Does (Part 1)

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Plot: Techno visits his brother after a few days from the incident, he tries to help his brother's crazed mind.


After that one time when Techno was 12 Wilbur had never threatened another person's life. He seemed to completely forget about the whole thing and move on. Tommy was left with a small scar going down his arm, but Tommy didn't even remember the incident. Techno didn't tell Phil too. But he regrets that choice now.

Just because Wilbur didn't act out didn't mean he wasn't suffering on the inside. Techno feels guilty. He feels that he could've benefitted his brother's health if he had told someone. He pulled into the parking lot of the ominous building he would visit. It had only been 3 days since the incident, so Phil was at home caring for Tommy. The youngest hadn't taken the incident so well.

The blonde had tried to reason with his older brother searching his eyes for that Wilbur who would care for him when he were sick, or help him with is homework, or bake him cookies. He turned up empty handed. The man in front of him standing on the burning high rise wasn't that Wilbur. This Wilbur was the one he witnessed when he was 6.

The brunette laughed manically as he took more steps towards the edge. Tommy fell to his knees coughing from the smoke everywhere. Just as Wilbur stood on the edge military burst through the door and neutralized him. Tommy shot forward catching his brother before he tipped over the edge. He sobbed as his brother twitched in his arms and as his father and brother took him away from the scene.

Techno walked inside of the building and up to the main desk signing some papers and taking the elevator upstairs. Reaching the 3rd and final floor he stepped out going to the left room using an ID card to swipe in. As he entered, he noticed the 3 different people sitting at the control table at the window. All of them muttering and too busy to notice his presence. He moved to the window on the other side of the door looking inside.

There he was the little brother he wish he'd helped. Wilbur was curled up in a corner muttering and rocking, his twitching hands very obvious too. A plate of food remained at the desk untouched, even the glass of water and medication. Techno sighed. He felt responsibility to go in there and help him considering he hadn't been able to help when they were younger. Wilbur didn't even know what was going on for fucks sake.

"I'm going inside," he nodded to the people at the desk, and they nodded unlocking the door. As Techno entered, he immediately took a few steps towards Wilbur. "Hey Wil." He smiled slightly trying to be as calm as possible.

"T-Tech?" Wilbur stopped shaking and stood upright stumbling to face his older brother. "N-No," Wilbur backed into the wall. "Not again..." Techno stopped and sighed.

"It's me Wilbur," he tried to think of something only they would know. "Remember when we skipped school just because you wanted to hang out with me?" Wilbur's eyes glittered with recognition as he shot forward to Techno. As he embraced Techno in a big hug he started ranting.

"Oh my god, Techno," he slurred. "You're actually here! Are you here to get me out? I've learned my lesson I promise! Do we have homework? They let you see me? How's Tommy and Phil? This room is kinda cool. Oh! Techno I need to show you something!" Techno stumbled as his brother dragged him by the arm over to the desk. He pointed at the scattered papers with various incomprehensible scribbles all over them.

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