Late and Tired

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that is before the angst oneshot im preparing B)

Plot: Tommy makes his older brother's late but they forgive him (Requested by MyKrewAcademia7878)


Tommy had woken up awfully late today. Hell, he might be late for school! So he quickly got ready and raced downstairs. His two older brothers stood at the door ready to go. He smiled nervously as their eyes pierced into his soul. They hated being late.

Thankfully, Techno had his license and could drive them to school. Seeing as they missed the bus. Tommy sat in the backseat daydreaming out the window. Then the next thing he knew someone was shaking him awake. When did he fall asleep?

Wilbur looked at him with a soft glare. Sure he seemed annoyed he was even later but something familiar sparked behind his eyes. Tommy understood that was Wilbur's concern and not wanting to be coddled by his older brother Tommy practically growled and got out of the car.

"Tommy are yo-" Tommy shoved past Wilbur who let out a huff of air following the blonde. Techno right behind him. "Tommy come back here."

"No, 'm fine!" Tommy continued walking until he was at his classroom. His brothers were persistent, so he quickly entered. The first two periods of classes were quick. And now Tommy was free. He was sitting outside with his friends, and he felt tired.

He lay his head down on the table and closes his eyes. The bell rings and Tommy's body refuses to move. He opens his eyes at the touch of someone. "Tommy," Ranboo was speaking. "You okay." Tommy hummed in reply, but he could feel his friend's tension.

Then footsteps signalled Ranboo's retreat. Tommy figured he could just skip his next class, wasn't important anyways. Only stupid Biology, he didn't even want to be a doctor. Then he heard someone sit next to him, resting a hand in his hair.

"Toms," Wilbur. Tommy felt anger bubble inside of him. Why won't they leave him alone? Tommy sat upright to glare at the elder. But Wilbur's face held no anger, nothing but concern for his little brother. "You okay Tommy?"

Feeling his mind prolong his thinking progress Tommy shook his head and leant into his brother, receiving a hug. After a few moments of sitting like that, Wilbur dialled what Tommy assumed to be the eldest and Techno arrived soon.

And they left, just like that. Phil wouldn't be home anyways, and the school didn't really care for attendance. Tommy dragged his feet as he entered and flopped onto the couch. Tommy felt another person sit on the couch and noticed Techno turning on the TV.

Wilbur had sat on another couch with his laptop, obviously having school work he was missing. Tommy felt slightly guilty, but his vocal cords refused to speak up. He would let his brother's know later. A few hours had passed, and Tommy was starting to doze off.

They had started watching 'Up' and he had refused to fall asleep during the best movie of all time. He let out a dry cough and realised how parched he was. Wilbur being 'parent material' noticed and got Tommy a glass of water.

"Thanks," Tommy whispered, and Wilbur smiled at him. "And s-sorry." He croaked, clearing his throat. Wilbur looked at him fondly.

"You don't control when you are sick Tommy, it's okay," Wilbur sat on the floor in front of the couch. Maybe it was the fact that Techno snored quietly at the other end, or maybe he was procrastinating. Tommy didn't stay awake long enough to find out.

This was perfect



i wrote the bio bit right after i did my block exam istg

it was easier than expected ngl

but ahem- the angsty oneshot im preparing for later ehehhe

i hope i can make a fresh angsty one ehehheheh

have a good day/night <3333333333333

i will also probably take requests in a few weeks if yall still have ideas by now lmao

i sure do- dunno why

aight ill stfu

enjoy your readings <3

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