Everything Will Be Alright

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Plot: Techno finds a familiar person at the door holding a 4-year-old


It was maybe 2am and there was knocking on the door. Technoblade, being awake at this time was intrigued. He quietly waltzed down stairs careful not to wake his sleeping brother's and father. Making his way to the door he heard sobbing and was intrigued deeper.

"T-Techno," a familiar voice shook behind the door. "I know your awake..." Techno opened the door finding his 17-year-old brother holding a small toddler maybe 4 years old. Wilbur looked like he would pass out if he stood any longer. His hair was messy, bags under his eyes exaggerating his small swaying of exhaustion, his eyes were half closed and leaked small amounts of tears. The 4-year-old was also half asleep in Wilbur's arms and didn't even comprehend Techno being there.

The 18-year-old quickly ushered them inside, closing and locking the door. Wilbur nearly collapsed on the wooden floor but made it to the couch just in time. He rested his head on the back of the couch and released the boy in his arms a bit more. The toddler wriggled closer into Wilbur's chest and suddenly passed out from exhaustion. Techno made his way over to the two taking a seat on the floor in front.

"What have I just witnessed?" Techno smirked nervously. Wilbur didn't respond but only looked at him. His glare had said enough. Techno offered to get coffee, but his brother declined muttering on about trying to rest. Even though Techno's head whirled with questions he figured he would ask Wilbur about it when Phil and Tommy were up too so his brother wouldn't have to repeat himself. Maybe 30 minutes passed, and Wilbur was still awake unfortunately. Techno shuffled in his seat looking at the time.

"God damn it," Wilbur whispered. "Why can't I sleep?" He chuckled shutting his eyes in another weak attempt to doze off.

"I can help?" Techno muttered softly. Wilbur scoffed but didn't protest. Techno snuck up the stairs and into the main bathroom grabbing a hairbrush and a few hair ties. Going back downstairs he grabbed a chair and placed it behind his brother. The brunette took a few moments to gently adjust himself in a more upright position without waking the child clinging to him. Techno began to brush his brother's wild hair humming softly. He had never been as good as Phil or Wilbur with hair but at least he was better than Tommy.

10 minutes later Techno had fully calmed Wilbur's hair and proceeded to play with it for a few minutes trying to decide what to do with it. His brother didn't have enough hair to get it anywhere near a ponytail, so he decided small braids. Even though Techno's hands were somewhat more strength related than Phil and Wilbur's hence why he didn't perform well with hair. But at least he tried.

It was now nearing 4am and Techno was running out of places to braid. But thankfully his brother's head finally fell backwards, and he didn't make an attempt to sit upright again. Techno sunk back in his chair letting out a sigh of relief. After a few moments of enjoying the quiet he decided to return the hairbrush and chair careful not to wake up his family. Sitting back on the couch across from Wilbur he got a good look at the child now.

The boy had bright orange hair which threw his thoughts off. But then he realised the wildness of the boy's hair matched his brothers. His heart seemed to panic in his chest. His brother was 17 and this child looked the age of 4. Techno recalled the boy's deep golden-brown eyes. Identical to his brothers. He swallowed trying not to think of how the two looked related. It was impossible. Right?

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