His Last Supply Trip

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Plot: They take a supply trip and it doesn't work out as planned.


Tommy was currently running for his life. Just the regular Tuesday. He and his friends had ducked into a nearby store to gather supplies. After he had reached the edge of the forest he looked back and found no one was following him. Not the supposed hoard of zombies. Not his companions.

He was quick to turn back and make his way quickly, but warily back to the small store they were gathering from. He could hear the clear groans of the zombies inside. A gun shot went off inside and Tommy was quick to enter. His 'family' were all very occupied to notice is reappearance and he assessed the situation.

Phil, being old agile fucker he was, was doing pretty well. Of course not to his greatest ability as the group had been travelling for a while and his old bones were sure to snap, yet every step he took made Tommy more assured. Now his eyes scanned the two younger adults.

Techno was always capable and seemed to be coping well with the six zombies he fought. Much unlike Wilbur who was struggling against three. Tommy made his way towards the tallest but was intercepted by two zombies. The blonde couldn't keep an eye on any of the adults and he found that frustrating.

Another frustrating act, he had killed the two zombies multiple times with clear headshots, but a new zombie would take their place every time one was fully dead. More gunshots went off which was a sign of desperation from one of his friends. They strictly didn't use gunpower as it only attracts more zombies and survivors.

Tommy was backed against the wall, surrounded by more than just two now. Thankfully Phil had come to his aid. The adult blonde was quick to free Tommy from the situation, and they went to help the other two. Techno was only just managing to free himself as Wilbur was overrun with the undead. The pinkette being the closest to him, he started hacking away at the zombies with his machete.

Yet they were all too late. An ear-piercing scream shook their eardrums above the loud groans of the hoard. All three were now trying to get to Wilbur with little luck. Tommy finally could see the brunette's arm and reached out pulling him towards them. Techno and Phil had noticed and were quick to help free Wilbur. Within moments the hoard was back on their tails, and they raced for the forest. The run seemed to take days to complete where as it was 5 seconds until they reached safety.

They panted in the cool air and silence of the forest. Birds chirped from above and Tommy managed a slow smile. They had made it out and were uninjured. The last statement was incorrect. Wilbur's fingers dug into Tommy's hand as he swayed. The blonde held his shoulder and smiled nervously. That's when he saw it. Blood poured down the brunette's neck from a bite wound. Wilbur followed his blue eyes with his hand.

His fingers met sticky and wet blood, and a lot of it. He pulled his hand back and Tommy sent urgent looks to the elder two who raced over. Wilbur's eyes unfocussed and he tried and failed to keep upright. Phil had caught him and sat down holding his head against his chest. Wilbur breathed heavily and his eyes were wildly scanning the forest for who knows what.

"Sh, mate," Phil combed a hand through his messy brown hair. "Shhhh." Techno crouched down beside the two and examined Wilbur. He rolled his sleeves up finding several more, shallow bites. Wilbur let out a sob and he writhed as Techno poked and prodded at his injured body.

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